【目的】随着城市化进程不断加快,城市交通拥挤、环境污染、用地紧张等问题日趋严重。城市交通拥挤的主要原因之一在于交通供给与土地利用之间的不协调。地铁站点周边交通与土地利用的协调性分析有利于促进城市交通建设的可持续发展。【方法】本文基于节点-场所模型(Node-Place Model,N-P Model),考虑使用节点价值与场所价值的比值对传统模型进行优化,同时通过运用地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS),选取站点场所功能和节点功能多个评价指标,并结合熵权-TOPSIS(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution)评价法构建站点协调度评价体系,最后获得站点排名情况、轨道交通站点周边交通与土地利用的协调水平。【结果】本文对长沙市轨道交通二号线部分站点进行协调性分析。其结果表明,优化后的模型与传统的模型存在差异,且大部分站点地区协同程度较高,但协调性存在差异。本文对协调性差的站点提出了相应的优化策略。【结论】轨道交通站点区域交通与土地利用的协调性分析能为城市轨道交通发展提供理论参考,有利于城市交通可持续发展。
[Purposes]As urbanization accelerates,issues,such as traffic congestion,environmental pollution,and land scarcity,are becoming increasingly pronounced.A significant factor contributing to urban traffic congestion is the insufficient coordination between traffic supply and land use.Analyzing the coordination between traffic and land use around subway stations is essential for promoting the sustainable development of urban traffic construction.[Methods]The traditional Node-Place(N-P)Model was used and optimized by considering the ratio of node value to place value.A geographic information system(GIS)was adopted,and a variety of evaluation indicators related to station functions and node functions were selected.An evaluation system for the degree of coordination between stations was established by using the entropy weight-technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS)method.This approach yielded rankings of stations and assessed the coordination levels between traffic and land use around rail transit stations.[Findings]The coordination analysis conducted on selected stations of Changsha Rail Transit Line 2 reveals notable differences between the optimized model and the traditional model.Most stations exhibit a high degree of coordination.However,variations in coordination levels are identified.For those stations displaying poor coordination,specific optimization strategies are proposed.[Conclusions]The analysis of the coordination between traffic and land use around rail transit stations offers valuable theoretical insights for urban rail transit development,thereby supporting the sustainable development of urban traffic.
LI Heng;KUANG Aiwu;HUANG Zhongxiang(School of Traffic&Transportation Engineering,Changsha University of Science&Technology,Changsha 410114,China)
Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology:Natural Science