

Study on practical problems of public interest litigation for the protection of minors
摘要 修改后的未成年人保护法填补了检察机关提起未成年人保护公益诉讼实体法依据的空白,检察数据亦体现出该类案件立案数显著上升、案件领域明显扩张、行政公益诉讼占较大比例、诉前检察建议为主要结案方式等特征。当前,司法实践中仍存在涉未成年人公共利益判断标准阙如、案件线索发现机制单一、检察建议质效缺乏保障、未成年人检察队伍建设有待加强、规范供给有所不足等问题亟待梳理。为更好保护未成年人合法权益,应尝试在实践操作上结合非有效性和多发性两方面因素进行涉未成年人公共利益的判断;在最有利原则与公益有限性原则之间把握受案范围,将非公益诉讼案件予以排除;规范另案发现、群众提供、主动作为等渠道案件线索的类型化受理;通过完善诉前调查核实权的规范行使,强化诉前检察建议的针对性和可行性,提升检察建议质效。 The revised law on the protection of minors fills the gap in the substantive law basis for procuratorial organs to bring public interest litigation for the protection of minors.The prosecution data also reflects the significant increase in the number of such cases,the significant expanding of the areas of the cases,the large proportion of administrative public interest litigation and the pre-trial prosecution recommendation as the main method of settlement of cases.At present,there are still issues in judicial practice that need to be addressed such as lack of standards for judging the public interest related to minors,a single mechanism for detecting case leads,lack of guarantees for the quality and effectiveness of prosecution recommendations,the construction of prosecutorial teams for minors to be strengthened and insufficient supply of norms.In order to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors,it is necessary to attempt in practice to combine ineffectiveness and multiple factors in judging the public interest of minors;grasp the scope of accepting cases between the principle of beneficence and the principle of limited public interest and exclude non-public interest litigation cases;regulate the typed admissibility of case leads from alternative sources such as discovery in other cases,public sources and initiatives;strengthen the targeting and feasibility of pre-trial prosecution recommendations to enhance the quality and effectiveness of prosecution recommendations by improving the standardized exercise of the right to verify pre-trial investigation.
作者 朱德安 左莹 杨飞 Zhu De’an;Zuo Ying;Yang Fei(Tianjin University of Business,Tianjin 300134,China;Haiting Law Firm of Tianjin,Tianjin 300202,China;Hongqiao District People’s Procuratorate of Tianjin,Tianjin 300122,China)
出处 《辽宁公安司法管理干部学院学报》 2024年第5期52-60,共9页 Journal of Liaoning Administrators College of Police and Justice
基金 2019年天津市哲学社会科学规划项目“监察委员会职务犯罪调查措施研究”(项目编号:TJFX19-006)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 公益诉讼 未成年人 公共利益 检察建议 public interest litigation minors public interest prosecution recommendations
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