

Analysis and Textual Research on Suzi Jiangqitang Based on Ancient Literature
摘要 苏子降气汤是《古代经典名方目录(第二批)——汉族医药》发布的经典名方之一,采用文献学的研究方法,通过系统整理、考证与分析记载苏子降气汤的古代文献及现代临床报道,梳理苏子降气汤的处方源流、组成及方义、药味基原、炮制方法、剂量、制用法、主治等关键信息,为经典名方苏子降气汤的开发与临床运用提供文献、数据等支撑。经分析与考证,苏子降气汤原名紫苏子汤,出自《备急千金要方》,处方组成为紫苏子、半夏、前胡、厚朴、甘草、当归、陈皮、紫苏叶、大枣、生姜、肉桂;除前胡的药用基原仍需商酌外,其他药味均遵循2020年版《中华人民共和国药典》,其中当归、前胡、肉桂、陈皮、紫苏叶、大枣用生品,紫苏子为炒紫苏子,半夏为清半夏,甘草为炒甘草,厚朴为姜厚朴,生姜为鲜品;药物剂量建议紫苏子、半夏各15 g,当归、甘草、前胡、厚朴各6 g,肉桂、陈皮各9 g;制用法为在建议剂量的基础上,将以上药味粉碎成粗粒,加入紫苏叶5叶,大枣1个,生姜2片,加水450 mL,煎取240 mL,去药渣,温服,不拘时。该方古代最常用于治疗脚气、喘咳等,亦有用于目赤、血证、梅核气、头痛等,现代最常应用于呼吸系统疾病,尤以慢阻肺病、喘咳等为代表;次见于循环、消化系统疾病,如肺心病、便秘、呕吐等;亦用于治疗梅核气、血证等。古往今来,主治范围虽广,但总离不开上盛下虚,气不升降之病机,万变不离其宗。 Suzi Jiangqitang is one of the classical formulas in the Catalogue of Ancient Classical Formulas(the second batch)—Han Medicine.The research method of philology was employed to systematically review the ancient documents and modern medical reports of Suzi Jiangqitang.The key information of this formula,including origin,composition,compatibility,original plants,processing method,dosage,preparation method,usage,and indications,was summarized to provide literature and data support for the development and clinical application of this formula.Suzi Jiangqitang is originally known as Zusuzi Tang,which is derived from Important Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold for Emergency.This formula is composed of Perillae Fructus,Pinelliae Rhizoma,Peucedani Radix,Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex,Glycyrrhizae Radix etRhizoma,Angelicae Sinensis Radix,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Perillae Folium,Jujubae Fructus,Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens,and Cinnamomi Cortex.The original plants of other herbal medicines except Peucedani Radix follow those in the 2020 edition of Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China.Raw materials of Angelicae Sinensis Radix,Peucedani Radix,Cinnamomi Cortex,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Perillae Folium,and Jujubae Fructus are used in this formula.Perillae Fructus,Pinelliae Rhizoma,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,and Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex in this formula are stir-fried,processed with alumen,stirfried,and processed with ginger,respectively,and the fresh material of Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens is used in this formula.The recommended formula is composed of 15 g Perillae Fructus,15 g Pinelliae Rhizoma,6 g Angelicae Sinensis Radix,6 g Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,6 g Peucedani Radix,6 g Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex,9 g Cinnamomi Cortex,and 9 g Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium.On the basis of the recommended dosage,other herbal medicines are crushed and mixed with five pieces of Perillae Folium,one jujube,and two ginger pieces.The mixture should be decocted in 450 mL water to reach a volume of 240 mL.After removal o
作者 倪圣懿 王家豪 李煜 陈仁寿 NI Shengyi;WANG Jiahao;LI Yu;CHEN Renshou(Institute of Literature in Chinese Medicine,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China;Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center of Classical Prescription,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第22期1-9,共9页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 国家中医药管理局机关专项《古代经典名方关键信息考证研究》 江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目(KYCX23_2000)。
关键词 经典名方 苏子降气汤 文献考证 classic formulas Suzi Jiangqitang textual research
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