

Interpreting the health management of postmenopausal women based on the theory of"spleen and stomach as the foundation of postmenopause"
摘要 随着社会的老龄化发展,绝经后女性的数量也逐渐增多,女性进入绝经阶段,由于长期缺少雌激素,将增加患有慢性疾病的风险。本文基于“脾胃为后天之本”理论和中医经典古籍中的关于脾胃的养生保健智慧,全面梳理了绝经后妇女常见的临床特征,如骨质疏松、肌少症、精神神经症状、代谢障碍相关疾病与脾胃的关系,并进行了深入浅出的分析。强调针对绝经后女性健康管理的核心除了注重补肾外,也应该从调理和增进脾胃健康的角度来考虑。本文从“脾胃论”角度切入,探讨脾胃相关理论知识对于绝经后女性的养生保健指导意义并给出切实可行的调理方案。首先是膳食调养,从药膳食养的选择和日常施养方法两个方面并结合现代营养学知识诠释健脾胃的食养之道。其次根据中医“七情”和“五音疗病”理论说明情志调理有助于保持绝经后女性气机的稳定,并能提高食欲和增强消化能力。最后积极推广如五禽戏、八段锦、六字诀功法等中国古老的健身养生功法在绝经后女性人群中的应用,助于增强肌肉和骨骼力量,维持体内的精、气、神平衡,适合老年女性的养生需求。基于“脾胃为后天之本”理论指导绝经后女性的自我健康管理,同时发扬祖国医学的广博精深,也为现代绝经后女性相关并发症的防治、保健开辟新的视角和多样化的养生途径。在尊重生命自然规律的基础上,帮助绝经后女性维持健康的体态、延缓衰老,并提升她们的生活品质和幸福度,希望惠及更多的绝经后女性。 With the aging development of society,the number of postmenopausal women is gradually increasing.As women enter the menopausal stage,the long-term lack of estrogen will increase the risk of chronic diseases.This paper is based on the theory that"the spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurture"and the wisdom of health preservation and health care about the spleen and stomach in traditional Chinese medicine classics.It comprehensively sorts out the relationship between common clinical characteristics of postmenopausal women,such as osteoporosis,sarcopenia,psychiatric and neurological symptoms,metabolic disorders,etc.,and the spleen and stomach,and conducts a simple and in-depth analysis.It is emphasized that the core of health management for postmenopausal women should not only focus on tonifying the kidneys,but also consider from the perspective of regulating and promoting spleen and stomach health.This article explores the guiding significance of spleen and stomach related theoretical knowledge for the health and wellness of postmenopausal women from the perspective of"spleen and stomach theory",and provides practical and feasible conditioning plans.The first is diet recuperation,which explains the way to strengthen the spleen and stomach from the choice of Tonic Diet and daily feeding methods,combined with modern nutrition knowledge.Secondly,according to the theories of"Seven Emotions"and"Five Tones Therapy"in traditional Chinese medicine,emotional regulation can help maintain the stability of qi in postmenopausal women,improve appetite,and enhance digestive ability.Finally,actively promote the application of ancient Chinese fitness and health preservation techniques such as Wuqinxi,Baduanjin,and Liuzi Jue in postmenopausal women,helping to enhance muscle and bone strength,maintain the balance of essence,qi,and spirit in the body,and meet the health needs of elderly women.Based on the theory of"spleen and stomach as the foundation of postnatal health",it guides the self-health management of postmenopausal w
作者 林妍 王珊珊 LIN Yan;WANG Shanshan(Department of Nursing,School of Nursing,Fuzhou Institute of Technology,Fujian Province,Fuzhou 350506,China)
出处 《中国当代医药》 CAS 2024年第25期96-100,共5页 China Modern Medicine
基金 教育部产学合作协同育人项目(221004110051624)。
关键词 绝经后女性 脾胃论 后天之本 养生保健 膳食养生 情志调养 功法养生 Postmenopausal women Spleen and stomach theory Foundation of the day after tomorrow Health and wellness Dietary health preservation Emotional adjustment Cultivation and health preservation
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