

Screening rhizosphere growth-promoting bacteria from Schisandra chinensis
摘要 【目的】从五味子根际土壤中筛选具有多种促生功能的根际促生菌,并探究其对五味子幼苗的促生效果,为五味子微生物菌肥的开发提供优良菌种资源。【方法】采用平板划线分离法从五味子根际土壤中分离纯化可培养的细菌,并通过测定其固氮、解有机磷、溶无机磷、产吲哚乙酸、产铁载体和产1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)脱氨酶能力,筛选具有多种促生功能的菌株。通过16S rRNA基因序列构建系统进化树鉴定菌株的种类。通过盆栽试验探究菌株对五味子幼苗的促生效果。【结果】从五味子根际土壤中分离得到85株细菌,通过测定其固氮、解有机磷、溶无机磷、产吲哚乙酸、产铁载体和产ACC脱氨酶能力,筛选出综合促生能力较强的菌株142,其固氮能力值为1.56,解有机磷能力值为2.06,溶无机磷能力值为1.47,产吲哚乙酸质量浓度为52.34 mg/L,铁载体表达量为49.65%,产ACC脱氨酶能力(A 600)为0.22,经鉴定菌株142为沙雷氏菌属居泉沙雷氏菌(Serratia fonticola)。盆栽试验结果表明,该菌株能够促进五味子幼苗的生长,施加该菌株后五味子幼苗的株高增加了198.20%,茎粗增加了53.05%,地上和地下鲜质量分别增加了92.95%和73.95%,地上和地下干质量分别增加了111.76%和98.33%,叶绿素a和b含量分别提高了42.00%和8.11%。【结论】筛选到的居泉沙雷氏菌142对五味子幼苗的生长具有明显的促进作用。 【Objective】This study screened rhizosphere-promoting bacteria with multiple growth-promoting functions from rhizosphere soil of Schisandra chinensis and explored the growth-promoting effects on S.chinensis seedlings to provide excellent bacterial resources for the development of microbial fertili-zers.【Method】Cultivable bacteria were isolated and purified from rhizosphere soil of S.chinensis using the plate streaking method,and their abilities to fix nitrogen,deconvolve organic phosphorus,dissolve inorganic phosphorus and produce indole acetic acid,siderophore and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid(ACC)deaminase were measured to screen strains with multiple growth-promoting functions.The screened strain was identified by constructing a phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequence,and its growth-promoting effect on S.chinensis seedlings was explored by pot experiment.【Result】A total of 85 bacteria were isolated from rhizosphere soil of S.chinensis.By measuring their abilities to fix nitrogen,deconvolve organic phosphorus,dissolve inorganic phosphorus and produce indole acetic acid,siderophore and ACC deaminase,strain 142 with strong comprehensive growth-promoting ability was identified.Its nitrogen fixation ability value was 1.56,organic phosphorus deconvolution ability value was 2.06,inorganic phosphorus dissolution ability value was 1.47,indole acetic acid mass concentration was 52.34 mg/L,side-rophore expression amount was 49.65%,and ACC deaminase activity was 0.22.Strain 142 was identified as Serratia fonticola and pot experiment results showed that it could promote the growth of S.chinensis seedlings.After applying the strain,plant height was increased by 198.20%,stem thickness was increased by 53.05%,fresh weights of aboveground and belowground were increased by 92.95% and 73.95%,and dry weights of aboveground and belowground were increased by 111.76% and 98.33%,chlorophyll a and b content increased by 42.00% and 8.11%.【Conclusion】The screened growth-promoting bacterium S.fonticola 14
作者 李艳 宋天骄 徐腾起 吴巧露 林雁冰 LI Yan;SONG Tianjiao;XU Tengqi;WU Qiaolu;LIN Yanbing(College of Life Sciences,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China)
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期145-154,共10页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家重点研发计划项目“林下中药材优质生产关键技术研究与集成示范”(2021YFD1000203)。
关键词 五味子 根际促生菌 菌株筛选 促生功能 盆栽试验 Schisandra chinensis rhizosphere growth-promoting strain strain screening growth-promoting function potting experiment
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