In her novel Chaoxitu,Lin Zhao shows the pioneer character of“New South Writing”.This novel tells the story of a female giant frog is 1820s,which is not only deeply rooted in the Lingnan region of the late Qing dynasty,but also cares about the world.Viewed from the perspective of literary history,Chaoxitu not only expands the fictional territory of literature with its outstanding imagination,but also effectively continues the pioneer literary tradition.Furthermore,it makes it possible that the characteristics of the pioneer can take root in the ground with the Linnan style of the local writing.Lin Zhao put this local narrative in the grand background of globalization,through the dialectical relationship between the local and the world,presented a kind of writing“In the world”,it shows the unique pioneering of the young writers in the vanguard nature.
Yi Wenjie(Renmin University of China)