

Correlation between Flowering Time and Meteorological Factors in Magnoliaceae
摘要 【目的】本文旨在明确木兰科植物开花期的迟早与气象因子之间的相关性。【方法】本研究以8种木兰科植物作为研究对象,与历年平均气温、最高气温、太阳辐射、气温日较差、日照时数、积温等气象因子进行统计分析。【结果】8种木兰科植物的始花期受平均气温、最高气温、太阳辐射、气温日较差以及积温显著性影响。白玉兰、广玉兰、乐昌含笑、二乔玉兰的始花期与平均始花期当月或者前1—2个月的平均气温呈显著负相关;巴东木莲、白玉兰、二乔玉兰、广玉兰、乐昌含笑的始花期与平均始花期当月或者前1—2个月的最高气温呈显著负相关;白玉兰、二乔玉兰、乐昌含笑、醉香含笑的始花期与平均始花期前1个月的太阳辐射呈显著负相关;白玉兰、二乔玉兰、乐昌含笑、深山含笑的始花期与平均始花期前1—3个月的有效积温呈显著负相关;白玉兰、鹅掌楸、广玉兰、乐昌含笑的始花期与平均始花期当月或始花期前1个月气温日较差呈显著负相关。【结论】8种木兰科植物中大多数植物的花期长度受太阳辐射、日照时数和有效积温的影响,呈显著正相关。相关结果可为木兰科植物花期调整提供科学参考。 【Objective】The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between the flowering phenology of Magnoliaceae and meteorological variables.【Method】Eight Magnoliaceae species,including Manglietia patungensis,Yulania denudata,Liriodendron chinense,Magnolia soulangeana,Magnolia grandiflora,Michelia chapensis,Michelia maudiae and Michelia macclurei,were taken as research objects in this study,and statistically analyzed with historical meteorological factors such as average temperature(T_(avg)),maximum temperature(T_(max)),solar radiation(SR),diurnal temperature range(DT),sunshine hours(SD)and accumulated temperature(GDD).【Result】The results showed that the initial flowering period of the 8 species was significantly affected by T_(avg),T_(max),SR,DT and GDD.There was a obvious negative correlation between the initial flowering period of Y.denudata,M.grandiflora,M.chapensis and M.soulangeana and T_(avg) in the current month or the previous 1-2 months of the average initial flowering period.The initial flowering period of M.patungensis,Y.denudata,M.soulangeana,M.grandiflora and M.chapensis was also clearly negatively correlated with T_(max) of the month or the previous 1-2 months during the average initial flowering period.In SR,there was a significant negative correlation between the initial flowering period of Y.denudata,M.soulangeana,M.chapensis,and M.macclurei and the indicator of the previous month during the average initial flowering period.In GDD,the initial flowering period of Y.denudata,M.soulangeana,M.chapensis,M.maudiae was also significantly negatively correlated with the indicator of the previous 1-3 months during the average initial flowering period.In DT,the initial flowering period of Y.denudata,L.chinense,M.grandiflora and M.chapensis also showed a significant negative correlation with DT in the current month or one month before the average initial flowering period.【Conclusion】There was a clear positive correlation between flowering length and SR,SD and GDD in most of the 8 M
作者 邹璐 冯敏玉 黎芳 刘逸思 刘曦雯 叶清 ZOU Lu;FENG Minyu;LI Fang;LIU Yisi;LIU Xiwen;YE Qing(Experimental Center of Subtropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Fenyi 336600,Jiangxi;Meteorological Bureau of Nanchang,Nanchang 330045,Jiangxi;College of Landscape Architecture and Art,JAU,Nanchang 330045,Jiangxi)
出处 《温带林业研究》 2024年第3期1-7,33,共8页 Journal of Temperate Forestry Research
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFF1303804-01) 亚热带林木国家林木种质资源库(2023-ZYC02)。
关键词 木兰科 花期 平均温度 积温 最高气温 太阳辐射 日较差 Magnoliaceae flowering average temperature accumulated temperature maximum temperature solar radiation diurnal range
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