As a special inter-ethnic relationship and a unique cultural phenomenon,"Xuhu" and " Danix" exist in Xunhua Salars and surrounding Tibetans, which isparticularly close between Xichang Tibetans and Kewa Salars, located in BaizhuangTown, Xunhua County, Qinghai Province, and thus become a window to further explorethe relationship between Salars and Tibetans. This paper takes Xichang Valley as a fieldsite for digging deeply into the history and current situation of the relationship betweenSalars and Tibetans , finding that Tibetans in Xichang and Salars in Kewa have had formeda humane scene of interaction, communication and integration, in which they are based ona metaphor of common ancestry, and have long had the similar social structure, sharednatural resources and universal language and culture;They also regard credibility as thefoundation to offer mutual benefit, reciprocity and respect. Meanwhile, their interactionand communication contain a profound philosophical principle of " Harmony in Diversity", which is totally different from the variables to measure inter-ethnic relationships inWestern countries, and has provided a new perspective for us to explore the interactionand communication of ethnic groups in China.