碳酸盐含量检测是填海项目质量控制的重要指标,填料中的碳酸盐含量超标会影响填海后土地的强度和稳定性以及建筑物的耐久性。本次研发依托境外某大型填海工程的大量测试任务,研发了通过测量酸-盐反应后产生二氧化碳气体的体积而测定碳酸盐含量的高效五联碳酸盐含量测试仪,包括其工作原理、设计思路、性能指标、仪器测试步骤、数据计算及质量控制等。通过对填料的测试结果分析,研发的五联碳酸盐含量测试仪达到了适用英国标准BS EN IOS 10693:2014的测试标准,测试适用范围广,结果精确度高,单组测试所需时间减少30%~50%,测试效率高的目的,并取得了良好的实用效果。
The carbonate content test is a mandatory item in the reclamation project.The material which carbonate content out of limits will affect the strength and stability of the land after reclamation,also affect the durability of the building.The development is based on extensive testing of a large overseas reclamation project,introduced the working principle,design ideas,performance indicators,instrument test procedures,data calculation and quality control of the five-unit carbonate content tester developed.Which worked by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide gas generated after the acid-salt reaction to determine the carbonate content.Through the analysis of the test results,the fivejoint carbonate content tester is suitable for the British Standard EN IOS 10693:2014.The test has a wide range of test applications,high accuracy of test data,the time for single group test is reduced by 1/2,test efficiency is higher than before.Good practical results are obtained.
WU Long(CCCC-FHDI Engineering Co.,Ltd.Guangzhou 510220,China)
Guangdong Architecture Civil Engineering