

Reflection on the Integration of Prominent Characteristics of Chinese Civilization into General Courses of Traditional Chinese Culture
摘要 国学是中国固有的知识体系,也是中华民族独特的价值体系。国学通识类课程是进行中华优秀传统文化教育的重要途径,是高校本科生培养方案的重要课程资源。国学通识类课程的课程内容与中华文明五个突出特性相契合,中华文明突出特性融入国学通识类课程具有学理依据。在授课中要坚持“培养什么人”的问题导向,把握国学通识课的价值引领。要立足课程内容,谙熟国学学理,融通文史哲艺,悟透知识点,找准五个突出特性的融入点,才能自然融入而不着痕迹。要创新授课方法,采取专题讨论、参观体验等方法,使学生在参与体验中认识和认同中华文明五个突出特性,自觉树立正确的历史观、民族观、国家观、文化观。 Chinese Classical Studies is the inherent knowledge system of China and also the unique value system of the Chinese nation.General education courses of Chinese Classical Studies are an important approach to the education of excellent traditional Chinese culture and an important curriculum resource in the training plans for undergraduate students in colleges and universities.The course content of general education courses on Chinese Classical Studies is in line with the five prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization,and the integration of these prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization into general education courses on Chinese Classical Studies has a theoretical basis.In teaching,we should adhere to the problem-oriented approach of"what kind of people to cultivate",and grasp the value guidance of general education courses on Chinese Classical Studies.By focusing on course content,understanding the principles of National Studies,integrating literature,history,philosophy,and art,and identifying the integration points of the five characteristics,these elements can be seamlessly incorporated.Innovative teaching methods such as thematic discussions and experiential learning should be used to help students understand and appreciate the five prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization,fostering a correct historical view,national view,and cultural perspective.
作者 关健英 Guan Jianying(School of Philosophy,Heilongjiang University)
出处 《教书育人(高教论坛)》 2024年第8期14-17,共4页
基金 黑龙江省高等教育教学改革研究项目“国学通识类课程教学改革的理论与实践研究”(SJGY20200527) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中华民族共同体的伦理认同研究”(20&ZD037)。
关键词 中华文明 突出特性 国学 国学通识课 课程思政 Chinese civilization Prominent characteristics Traditional Chinese culture General course of traditional Chinese culture Ideological and political course course
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