

Analyzing On Chapter Lilou I:Examine One’s Own Benevolence in Mencius
摘要 《孟子·离娄上》“反其仁”章单章研究包括分析、综论两个层面。从分析的层面看,直面当下困境,把控所有困局,构成第一、二节的群己之辨;“永言配命,自求多福”,构成第三节的力命之辨;唯有经由力命之辨,群己之辨方能达成自身的和谐。从综论的层面看,以“反求诸己”为功夫,可谓传孔子、曾子之说;以“天下归之”为功效,可谓“承上章而言”;基于群己之辨与力命之辨的内在张力,当以“反求诸己”为切要。孟子的“反求诸己”之思,历史影响深远,当代价值显著。 The research on chapter Lilou I:Examine One’s Own Benevolence involves both the analytical and the comprehensive aspects.According to its narrative order,this chapter can be divided into three sections.From the analytical aspect,the first two sections center around how to deal with the relationship between oneself and others by confronting the immediate predicaments,while the third section talks about practicing Heaven’s mandate by quoting“Be always studious to be in harmony with the ordinances of Heaven,and you will obtain much happiness.”from Book of Songs.Only after practicing Heaven’s mandate,can the relationship between oneself and others be settled in a harmonious manner.From the comprehensive aspect,the efforts of turning within and examining oneself can be traced back to Confucius and Zengzi,while the efficacy that the rest of the world will follow is actually a follow-up of the previous chapters.The relation between the one-others relationship and the whole kingdom’s recognition and submission can be resolved by putting the efforts of turning within and examining oneself.Mencius’thoughts about turning within and examining oneself has profound historical influences as well as remarkable contemporary values.
作者 杨海文 Yang Haiwen
出处 《中原文化研究》 2024年第4期44-49,共6页 The Central Plains Culture Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“新编孟子正义”(22&ZD036) 贵州省哲学社会科学规划国学单列课题重大课题“《孟子》深度解读及其思想研究”(20GZGX03)。
关键词 孟子 单章研究 反求诸己 群己之辨 力命之辨 Mencius single-chapter research turning within and examining oneself one-others relationship practicing Heaven’s mandate
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