随着我国城镇化发展由高速度向高质量转型,国土空间发展及其规划有必要关注人口流动的新特征和新规律。运用CiteSpace文献计量工具,以近30年来CNKI和Web of Science核心合集中的人口流动研究文献为对象,通过关键词共现分析和聚类分析,厘清国内外人口流动领域的研究热点,并以此为基础进行突现分析和时间线分析国内外人口流动研究热点的演进进程和发展趋势。根据图谱分析结果聚焦国内外210篇关于人口流动的种子型、高被引和中枢型文献,继而分析国内外人口流动研究的共性、差异及其驱动逻辑。最后总结新时期我国人口流动研究的前沿方向,以期为相关规划实践提供启示和借鉴。
As China's urbanization transitions change from high speed to high quality,it is necessary to pay attention to the new characteristics and new laws of population flow in spatial development and planning.Using the CiteSpace bibliometric tool,this paper takes the research literature on population mobility in the core collections of CNKI and Web of Science in the past 30 years as the object,and through keyword co-occurrence analysis and cluster analysis,clarifies the research hotspots.Emergence analysis and timeline analysis are carried out on the basis of the evolution process and development trend of domestic and foreign population flow research hotspots.Further,according to the knowledge graph analysis results,210 works of literature on population mobility with seed type,high citation and central type are focused,and then the commonality,difference and driving logic of research on population mobility at home and abroad are analyzed.This study suggests the frontier direction of China's population flow research in the new era,and also provides inspiration and references for related planning practices.
LIU Zhuyang;CHEN Chen
Shanghai Urban Planning Review