
《刑事诉讼法》“证据章”的体系化重塑——以《刑事诉讼法》再修改为背景 被引量:2

The Systematic Reconstruction of the Evidence Chapter in the Criminal Procedure Law:Against the Background of Further Amending the Criminal Procedure Law
摘要 最近十多年以来,随着刑事证据制度改革的快速推进,《刑事诉讼法》证据制度规范已经呈现了非常明显的滞后性。刑事证据制度在立法层面,特别是《刑事诉讼法》“证据章”还存在诸多问题,亟待在《刑事诉讼法》再修改中加以完善。应该通过本次《刑事诉讼法》修改对证据制度开展消弭矛盾、填补空白与制度整合三项工作。在宏观层面上,通过《刑事诉讼法》立法层面上的修改来实现刑事证据制度的体系化,以司法证明过程为经线、以证据种类为纬线,通过证据裁判原则发挥组织性架构的基础作用。在具体制度修改方面,应该以规则是否对事实错误风险分配具有重大影响为标准,着重对证据种类制度、证人证言、电子数据、专门性证据、技术调查、侦查证据等问题进行修改完善。 In the past decade,with the rapid advancement of the reform of the criminal evidence system,the evidence system of the Criminal Procedure Law has shown a very obvious lag.There are still many problems with the criminal evidence system at the legislative level,especially the Evidence Chapter of the Criminal Procedure Law,which urgently needs to be improved and improved through legislative modifications in the further revision of the Criminal Procedure Law.In terms of normative form,the Evidence Chapter lacks a clear systematic structure.The logical relationship between various rules lacks a clear main line,and there is no fundamental principle to effectively organize the rules in this chapter.In terms of normative content,the Evidence Chapter has very serious structural defects.The focus of the Evidence Chapter is mainly on verbal evidence such as oral testimony and witness testimony,and there is a serious lack of attention to new types of objective evidence such as physical evidence,documentary evidence,expert opinions,and electronic data.There is a serious imbalance in the allocation of legislative resources among different types of rules.We should carry out three tasks on the evidence system through this revision of the Criminal Procedure Law:(1)enhancing the effectiveness level of existing evidence norms and resolve the legitimacy crisis of evidence norms;(2)flling the gap in the criminal evidence system and responding to major issues in the scientific and data age;(3)integrating conflicting evidence norms through legislative amendments.In terms of revising the"Evidence Chapter",it is not advisable to adopt the previous approach of revising individual articles,but to construct the"Evidence Chapter"from a systematic perspective as a whole.At the macro level,the systematization of the criminal evidence system can be achieved through legislative amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law.To reorganize the review rules of criminal evidence,we should use the process of judicial proof as the longitude and the type of
作者 吴洪淇 WU Hong-qi
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《当代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期33-46,共14页 Contemporary Law Review
基金 北京市社科基金青年项目“刑事案件的事实认定模式研究”(17FXC032)的阶段性成果。
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