

Natural circulation characteristics of main loop after shutdown of liquid-fuel molten salt reactor
摘要 液态燃料熔盐堆在停堆后通过建立熔盐自然循环,将堆芯中的衰变余热非能动地传导至环境,但主回路中熔盐的衰变发热将影响回路排热能力。为得到该种非能动系统的热工特性,给出自然循环模型的分析依据,明确熔盐物性、回路结构和设备阻力系数K对自然循环的影响。利用自编Python分析程序,建立液态燃料熔盐堆的非能动余热排出回路自然循环模型,分析回路中熔盐的温度分布;考察反应堆堆芯在余热排出过程中,关键因素对余热排出能力的影响规律。研究结果表明:当系统回路中熔盐存在衰变热时,堆芯熔盐可通过自然循环带走的热量相对减少。根据重要性分析结果,燃料盐密度、比热容和冷热芯高度差等是影响自然循环能力的重要参数,当这三个参数值分别增加15%时,余热排出能力分别提升26.02%、15.00%和18.59%。由此可见,熔盐物性、回路结构和设备阻力系数均会影响自然循环排热能力。 [Background]The molten salt reactor(MSR)is one of the six advanced reactors identified by the Generation IV International Forum.The MSR exhibits unique characteristics,such as intrinsic safety,sustainable development,nuclear nonproliferation,natural resource protection,and economic efficiency.After a liquid-fuel molten salt reactor shuts down,residual decay heat in the reactor core is passively dissipated to the environment through a natural circulation loop of the molten salt.However,the decay heat from the molten salt in the main circuit can impact the thermal capacity of the overall system.[Purpose]This study aims to determine the thermal characteristics of the passive system by establishing an analysis basis for a natural cycle model to examine the effects of natural circulation loop on the physical properties of the molten salt,the loop structure,and equipment resistance coefficient K.[Methods]Based on the direct reactor auxiliary cooling system(DRACS)for MSR,the natural circulation model of the passive residual heat-removal loop of a liquid-fuel molten salt reactor was established using self-developed Python analysis program,and the temperature distribution of the molten salt in the loop was explored using the numerical model.Then,the effects of different physical properties,loop structures,and core and heat exchanger resistance coefficients K on the heat transfer and flow characteristics of the residual heat-removal system were analyzed.Finally,the effects of critical factors on the residual heat-removal capacity of the reactor core were analyzed using self-developed Python program for natural circulation calculation equations code(NCCC)and validated by using the natural cycle experimental results of the DRACS circuit in CIET1.0.[Results]The findings indicate that the presence of decay heat from molten salt in a system loop decreases the natural circulation-driven heat transfer by the molten salt within the core.Based on the significance analysis results show that fuel salt density,specific heat capacity,a
作者 薛帅钰 周翀 邹杨 徐洪杰 XUE Shuaiyu;ZHOU Chong;ZOU Yang;XU Hongjie(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201800,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《核技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期125-134,共10页 Nuclear Techniques
基金 国家重点研发计划(No.2020YFB1902000) 中国科学院"战略先导专项"(No.XDA0201002,No.XDA22010501) 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所"堆芯模块化理论与比选研究"(No.SINAP-QYJS-202202)资助 上海市"基础研究特区计划"(No.JCYJ-SHFY-2021-003)。
关键词 自然循环 余热排出 熔盐堆 系统设计 重要性分析 Natural circulation Decay heat removal Molten salt reactor System design Significance analysis
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