

Typology of Civil Rights Exclusion by Non-Parties from Compulsory Enforcement from the Perspective of Rights Conflict Effectiveness
摘要 奉行形式化原则的强制执行损害案外人民事权益现象时有发生,但现有程序法规范对足以排除强制执行的民事权益的规定缺乏体系性、逻辑性和融贯性。为实现案外人执行异议之诉中案外人主张权益与申请执行人权益的均衡保护,有必要系统梳理实体法规范中与排除强制执行相关的民事权益的性质与效力。案外人所主张民事权益多具对抗效力,该对抗效力是其足以排除强制执行的逻辑前提,但具有对抗效力的权益并不等于足以排除强制执行的权益,亦涵盖虽不能排除强制执行但仍应受保护的权益。根据排除强制执行的方式不同,可将足以排除强制执行的权益区分为概括与非概括排除强制执行的权益,前者对应于所有权型对抗性权益,包括所有权、独立性财产权益、特定条件下的债权受让人和不动产买受人权益;后者则与定限物权型对抗性权益相契合,包括限制财产使用价值、交换价值的权益以及限制财产处分的权益。 The phenomenon of damage to the civil rights and interests of outsiders due to compulsory enforcement under formalization principle occurs frequently,but the existing procedural legal norms of the civil rights and interests sufficient to exclude the enforcement lack systematic,logical,and coherent nature.To achieve the balanced protection between the rights and interests claimed by outsiders in the lawsuits against enforcement and the rights and interests of the enforcement applicants,it is necessary to systematically sort out the nature and effect of the civil rights and interests related to excluding compulsory enforcement in substantive legal norms.The civil rights and interests claimed by the outsiders mostly have the confrontation effect,which is the logical premise of being sufficient to exclude compulsory enforcement.However,rights and interests with confrontation effect are not equivalent to the rights and interests which are sufficient to exclude compulsory enforcement,but also cover the rights and interests that,although they are unable to exclude enforcement,should still be protected.According to the different ways of excluding compulsory enforcement,the rights and interests sufficient to exclude enforcement can be divided into two categories,the ones leading to generalized exclusion and the ones leading to non-generalized exclusion.The former corresponds to the confrontation rights and interests of ownership,including ownership and the rights and interests of independent property,as well as the rights and interests of assignees of claims and vendees of real estate under specific conditions;the latter is compatible with the confrontation rights and interests of the limited property rights,including the rights and interests limiting the use value,exchange value,and disposal of property.
作者 张海燕 Zhang Haiyan
机构地区 山东大学法学院
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 北大核心 2024年第4期162-175,共14页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(20&ZD195)“国家治理体系中民事执行现代化研究” 国家社科基金项目(23BFX024)“民法典权利实现视角下民事诉讼程序运行机制优化研究”。
关键词 案外人执行异议之诉 民事权益 对抗效力 足以排除强制执行 类型化 outsider's lawsuit against enforcement civil rights and interests confrontation effect sufficient to exclude enforcement categorization
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