

A Study on the Identity Construction Process of Amateur Marathon Runners Based on the Psychological Continuum Model(PCM)
摘要 运用心理连续体模型理论框架,采用案例研究法,从社会学角度剖析业余马拉松跑者身份建构的动态过程,并构建包含五个阶段(意识、吸引、依恋、反思与忠诚)的跑者身份建构模型。其中,意识阶段标志着跑者在特定情境下开始接触跑步,包括内部动因、外部条件、开始跑步三个关键要素;在吸引阶段,跑者通过首次参赛的经历和流畅体验,以“体认”的方式逐渐形成了对跑步的独特喜好;在依恋阶段,跑者对跑步更加投入,面对各种制约因素,会积极采取应对策略,并对跑者身份表现出强烈的认同感;反思阶段则是跑者在特定事件的触发下,对痴迷跑步行为进行的自我反省;在忠诚阶段,跑者形成了明确的跑步态度,这种态度不仅难以改变,而且将进一步加强他们与跑步之间可能持续终身的心理联系。认为,跑者的身份建构是一个不断发展和变化的复杂过程,该模型揭示了跑者如何由初级跑步爱好者逐渐转变为忠诚的马拉松运动参与者的心理演变路径,深化了对个体与特定体育项目建立深层心理联结的微观过程的理解,并有望为马拉松赛事提供更为精准的服务策略,助力马拉松运动持续健康繁荣发展。 Using the theoretical framework of PCM and case study method,this paper analyzes the dynamic process of identity construction of amateur marathon runners from the perspective of sociology,and constructs a runner’s identity construction model including five stages(awareness,attraction,attachment,reflection and allegiance).Among them,the stage of awareness marks the start of runners’contact with running in specific situations,including three key elements of internal motivation,external conditions and starting running.In the attraction stage,the runner gradually formed a unique preference for running in the way of“body recognition”through the experience of the first competition and the smooth experience.In the attachment stage,runners are more engaged in running.In the face of various constraints,they will actively adopt coping strategies and show a strong sense of identity to the runner.The reflection stage is the self-reflection of the runner’s obsession with running behavior under the trigger of a specific event.In the allegiance phase,runners develop a clear running attitude,which is not only difficult to change,but will further strengthen their psychological connection with running that may last for life.It is believed that the identity construction of runners is a complex process of continuous development and change.This model reveals the psychological evolution path of runners from primary runners to loyal marathon participants,deepens the understanding of the micro process of establishing deep psychological connection between individuals and specific sports events,and is expected to provide more accurate service strategies for marathon events and help marathon sports develop healthily and prosperously.
作者 霍兴彦 HUO Xingyan(College of Physical Education,New Sports Research Center,Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,Guiyang 550025,China)
出处 《河北体育学院学报》 2024年第4期62-71,共10页 Journal of Hebei Sport University
关键词 心理连续体模型 业余马拉松跑者 身份建构 PCM amateur marathon runner identity construction
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