

Positioning Theories of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Laws and Reflections
摘要 对法律人工智能的基本定位,目前法学界主要存在两种观点:一为AI乐观主义替代论,认为法律人工智能能够在未来获得更广泛深入的应用,进而取代人类处理案件;一为AI工具主义辅助论,认为法律人工智能尚无取代人类的能力,只能将其视为司法的辅助工具。这两种观点的分歧不仅可能导致肯定者对AI技术的过度迷信和依赖,亦可能导致质疑者过于强调AI的局限进而阻碍其进步,更可能导致未来“AI+法律”应用在发展方向上的混乱。因此,有必要厘清AI在法律应用中的定位:在目前“弱人工智能”局面下,应依照不同的司法场景,根据法律人工智能具体能够实现的功效来定位其应用范围。在简单标准案件中,应将其定位为替代工具,将大量机械、流程化的事务性工作交由AI自动处理,减少人力的重复使用,提高司法实践的准确性与效能;而在复杂疑难案件中,则应将其定位为辅助工具,辅助律师和法官完成案件管理、事实调查、案情梳理、庭审提醒等工作。取其所长、避其所短,让AI做其能做又能做好的工作。 At present, there are two main viewpoints within the academic community regarding the basic positioning of AI in laws: AI optimism replacement theory which believes that AI in laws will be increasingly applied in broader and more profound ways, thereby replacing humans in case management, and AI tool instrumentalism assistance theory.which contends that AI in laws is not yet capable of replacing human judgement and should serve as an auxiliary tool in the judicial process. The divergence between these two viewpoints may not only lead to an excessive superstition about and over-reliance on AI technology among its proponents, but it may also cause skeptics to overemphasize limitations of AI, thereby hindering its advancement. Furthermore, the divergence may result in a confusion about future development direction of “AI+law” applications. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the positioning of AI in legal applications: In the present context of “weak AI”, its application scope should be determined based on AI's achievable effects specific to various judicial scenarios. For simple and standard cases, AI should be positioned as a replacement tool to automatically process a large amount of mechanical and procedural daily routines, reducing the reuse of manpower and enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of judicial practice. For complex and challenging cases, AI should serve as an auxiliary tool to assist lawyers and judges with case management, fact investigation, court sorting, and trial reminders, etc. In essence, the strategy of applying AI in laws is to make good use of its strong points and to avoid its weaknesses, in order to maximize its performance within its capacity.
作者 钟一苇 ZHONG Yi-wei(Lomo Schood,Gaizhou Unitersilty of Finunce and Econarmics,Guiyang Guishou 550025,China)
出处 《太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期1-10,共10页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“清水江文书中的本土法律话语研究”(21XMZ006)。
关键词 人工智能 法律应用 定位论 简单标准案件 复杂疑难案件 AI legal aplication the positioning theory sinple and standard cases complex and chal-lenging casves
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