
统一大市场背景下反垄断执法体制的挑战与变革 被引量:3

Challenges to and Reforms of Anti-Monopoly Law Enforcement System in the Context of a Unified National Market
摘要 在加快建设全国统一大市场和强化竞争政策基础地位业已成为国家发展战略的时代背景下,反垄断执法和公平竞争审查既是建设统一大市场的基础保障,也是强化竞争政策基础地位的路径依赖。现行反垄断属地执法体制应对地方保护主义的作用有限,公平竞争审查制度优化地方产业政策刚性约束不足,反垄断执法与公平竞争审查各自为政的割裂状态难以形成制度合力。这些问题的解决有赖于以满足统一大市场建设需要为指引,持续推进反垄断执法体制改革:明确竞争政策的宪法法律地位,建构央地垂直的反垄断执法和公平竞争审查体系,整合国务院反垄断委员会反垄断执法和公平竞争审查职能,持续为反垄断执法的独立性、权威性赋能,以此全面强化反垄断执法功能、实现公平竞争审查刚性约束,共同促进有效市场和有为政府的有机结合,有力推进统一大市场建设。 In the era where accelerating the construction of a unified national market and strengthening the fundamental position of competition policy have become a part of the national development strategy,anti-monopoly law enforcement and fair competition review serve as not only the fundamental guarantees for the construction of a unified national market but also the dependent path of strengthening the fundamental position of competition policy.The current territory-oriented antimonopoly law enforcement system plays a limited role in addressing the issue of local protectionism,and the fair competition review system lacks sufficient rigid constraints in optimizing local industrial policies and the current disconnection of anti-monopoly law enforcement and fair competition review that each operates independently hinders the formation of institutional synergy.These issues need to be solved urgently,which relies on the guidance of satisfying the needs of constructing a unified national market,continued efforts to push forward reforms of the anti-monopoly law enforcement system,the establishment of a vertical system of anti-monopoly law enforcement and fair competition review within the central-local relationship on the basis of clarifying the legal status of competition policy in the constitutional law,the reshaping of the Anti-monopoly Commission of the State Council at the central level to combine anti-monopoly law enforcement and fair competition review and consistently contribute to the independence and authority of anti-monopoly law enforcement,so as to comprehensively strengthen the function of anti-monopoly law enforcement and achieve the rigid constraints of fair competition review,and jointly promote harmonious integration of effective market and active government,and robustly advance the construction of a unified national market.
作者 孙晋 SUN Jin
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第7期2-16,共15页 Political Science and Law
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“适应新时代市场监管需要的权力配置研究”(项目编号:20&ZD194)的研究成果。
关键词 统一大市场 竞争政策 反垄断执法 公平竞争审查 国家公平竞争委员会 Unified National Market Competition Policy Anti-Monopoly Law Enforcement Fair Competition Review National Fair Competition Commission
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