

A Century of Exploration on the Construction of Executive Power of Grass-Roots Organizations of the CPC:Theory and Practice
摘要 中国共产党的百年发展史,也是基层党组织执行力建设不断加强的百年史。从经验看历史,执行力建设贯穿于基层党组织建设的全过程。从历史看经验,建党百年,党所取得的历史性成就,都是与基层党组织强大的执行力分不开的。基层党组织强大的执行力始终是我们党坚强有力的基础支撑,执行力建设始终是基层党组织建设的重中之重。对基层党组织执行力百年建设进行理论总结与实践梳理,既有助于我们对基层党组织执行力建设的内在规律有更为清晰的认知,也有助于我们揭示基层党组织执行力百年建设的理论逻辑与实践逻辑,从基层党组织执行力视角来回答百年大党为什么能这一宏大命题。同时,展望新时代,在百年未有之大变局与实现中华民族伟大复兴“两个大局”背景下,对于进一步加强基层党组织执行力建设,将基层党组织真正建设成为党在基层的坚强战斗堡垒也具有理论与现实意义。 The century-old development history of the Communist Party of China(CPC)is also the century-old history of the continuous strengthening of the executive capacity of community-level Party organizations.Looking at history from experience,the construction of executive power runs through the whole process of the construction of grass-roots Party organizations.Judging from the historical experience,the Party's historic achievements in the past century are inseparable from the strong executive power of primary Party organizations.The strong executive power of the grassroots party organization is always the strong foundation support of our party,and the construction of executive power is always the top priority of the construction of the grassroots party organization.Execution of grass-roots party organization construction in one hundred on theory summary and practice,will help us both the inherent law of construction of grass-roots party organization execution have more clear cognition,also helps us to reveal the basic-level party organization execution in one hundred of the construction of the theoretical logic and practice logic,from the perspective of grass-roots party organization execution to answer one hundred major party why can this grand proposition.At the same time,looking into the new era,under the background of the great changes unseen in a century and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,it is of theoretical and practical significance to further strengthen the construction of the executive power of the grass-roots Party organizations and truly build the grass-roots Party organizations into the strong fighting fort of the Party at the grass-roots level.
作者 云电军 郭建 李树旗 YUN Dianjun;GUO Jian;LI Shuqi(Cangzhou Normal University,Cangzhou,Hebei 061001,China;School of Marxism,Hebei University of Economics and Business,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050061,China)
出处 《沧州师范学院学报》 2024年第2期20-26,共7页 Journal of Cangzhou Normal University
基金 2021年度国家社科基金一般项目“中国共产党基层组织制度效能提升研究”,编号:No.21BKS044。
关键词 基层党组织执行力 建设 百年探索 理论与实践 grass-roots Party Organization Construction of Executive Power a century's Exploration theory and practice
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