目的 探讨中老年人社交活跃度与高血压的相关性。方法 选取2018年北京大学中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)项目中≥45岁的中老年人,共纳入12,464例,采用2个多因素Logistic回归分析社交活跃度对高血压发病的影响,按年龄、文化程度、居住地、抑郁分层进一步分析。结果 多因素Logistic回归结果 显示,社交活跃度为中老年人高血压患病的保护因素(OR=0.979,95%CI:0.963~0.995)。按年龄、居住地区、学历、抑郁分层进一步分析,居住在农村(OR=0.977,95%CI:0.957~0.997)、学历为中学(OR=0.974,95%CI:0.949~0.999)、不存在抑郁状态(OR=0.974,95%CI:0.961~0.999)的中老年人其社交活跃度与高血压存在相关性。未发现年龄差异在社交活跃度与高血压患病的显著作用。结论 社交活跃度是高血压患病的保护因素,这一发现拓宽了社交活动与高血压患病间关联的认识,为高血压防治提供了新思路。
Objective To investigate the association between social activity and hypertension among the middle-aged and elderly population in China.Methods Data were obtained from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study(CHARLS)conducted by Peking University.A total of 12,464 subjects aged≥45 years in 2018 from the CHARLS were included in the study.Two multivariate Logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the impact of social activity on the prevalence of hypertension.Further stratified analysis was conducted based on age,education level,place of residence,and depressive symptoms.Results Multivariate Logistic regression revealed that social activity serves as a protective factor against hypertension in the middle-aged and elderly population(OR=0.979,95%CI:0.963~0.995).Upon further stratification and adjustment for confounders,associations were found among those living in rural areas(OR=0.977,95%CI:0.957~0.997),those with middle school education(OR=0.974,95%CI:0.949~0.999),and those without depressive symptoms(OR=0.974,95%CI:0.961~0.999).No significant effect of age differences on the relationship between social activity and hypertension was observed.Conclusion Social activity is a protective factor against hypertension,providing new insights into the link between social interactions and hypertension,and offering novel approaches for hypertension prevention and management.
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal
Middle-aged and elderly
Social activity