随着鸡血石矿产资源的枯竭,市场上出现了种类繁多的鸡血石相似玉石品种,它们的主体矿物组成大多为石英,易与传统的昌化“硬地”鸡血石相混淆。为鉴别和定名此类鸡血石相似玉石,本文利用X射线粉末衍射、红外光谱、拉曼光谱和扫描电子显微镜等测试方法对产自四川、贵州、西安、云南的鸡血石相似玉石样品与昌化“硬地”鸡血石样品的矿物学和光谱学特征进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)X射线粉末衍射显示昌化“硬地”鸡血石样品的主要矿物组成为石英和地开石;不同产地鸡血石相似玉石样品的主要矿物组成为石英和碳酸盐矿物;(2)根据红外光谱的峰形特征可以较快地区分昌化“硬地”鸡血石和鸡血石相似玉石样品,后者在红外光谱常出现1450、881、729 cm^(-1)处的碳酸盐吸收峰,而“硬地”鸡血石样品显示为石英的特征峰位;(3)拉曼光谱结果表明,所有样品均含有石英特征峰,四川、贵州、云南鸡血石相似玉石样品含有方解石的特征拉曼位移,西安样品出现白云石的拉曼位移。“硬地”鸡血石的基质部分含有锐钛矿,而在其他产地的鸡血石相似玉石样品中未见锐钛矿。对于辰砂周围的黄色矿物,“硬地”鸡血石样品是黄铁矿,而贵州样品的黄色部分为雄黄;(4)扫描电子显微镜结果显示“硬地”鸡血石和相似玉石的微形貌特征差异主要集中在碳酸盐矿物,相似玉石样品中的碳酸盐矿物为片状,片与片之间呈叠瓦状堆叠,常见碳酸盐矿物的解理面和阶梯状断口,而“硬地”鸡血石未见此类现象。根据测试结果和国标规定,建议将此类鸡血石相似玉石定名为含辰砂的碳酸盐-石英质玉石。
With the mineral resource decline of chicken-blood stone,a wide variety of similar jades have appeared on the market.The main mineral compositions of these similar jades are mostly quartz,which is easily confused with the traditional hard substrate chicken-blood stone from Changhua.To identify and name these varieties of similar jades,this study chooses several similar jade samples from Sichuan,Guizhou,Xi’an and Yunnan and compared them with hard substrate chicken-blood stone samples from Changhua to analyze their differences in mineralogical and spectroscopic characteristics.X-ray powder diffraction spectrometer,infrared spectroscopy,laser Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy are used in this study.The results are as follows:(1)XRD results show that the hard substrate chicken-blood stone samples are composed of quartz and dickite.The main constituent minerals of the similar jade samples are quartz and carbonate minerals.(2)According to absorption peaks of IR,the hard substrate chicken-blood stone and its similar jade can be identified and differentiated quickly.Carbonate absorption peaks of 1450,881 cm^(-1)and 729 cm^(-1)often appear in infrared spectra of similar jade samples,while the hard substrate chicken-blood stone samples from Changhua show characteristic absorption peaks of quartz.(3)Raman spectra results show that all samples have quartz characteristic Raman shift,but the similar jade samples from Sichuan,Guizhou and Yunnan also have calcite Raman shift.Similar samples from Xi’an have dolomite Raman shift.The matrix part of hard substrate chicken-blood stone from Changhua often contains anatase,which can not be found in the similar jade samples.For the yellow minerals around cinnabar,in hard substrate chicken-blood stone sample from Changhua,it is pyrite with Raman shift at 340,374,426 cm^(-1),but in the similar sample from Guizhou,it is realgar.(4)SEM results show that the differences in the micro-morphological characteristics of hard substrate chicken-blood stone and its similar jad
YU Minda;PEI Jingcheng;YAN Xuejun;ZHANG Yuhui;GU Yilu;LAI Xiaojing(Gemmological Institute,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China;Hubei Gems and Jewelry Engineering Technology Research Center,Wuhan 430074,China;Zhejiang Fangyuan Testing Group Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310018,China)