

Zhou Youlong′s Experience in Treating Limb Spasms After Stroke withMethod of Tonifying Qi and Promoting Blood Circulation
摘要 中风后肢体痉挛的病理基础为气虚血瘀,气虚是内在基础,瘀血是病理产物,气虚和血瘀始终贯穿于中风整个病程。中风后出现肢体痉挛根本原因在于气虚血瘀。临床根据经络辨证理念以益气活血法为经,经络组穴为纬,组成益气活血法针灸组穴,主要由手阳明大肠经、足少阳胆经、督脉和夹脊穴组成。肩髃、曲池、合谷等穴可以拮抗上肢屈肌运动,强化上肢伸肌运动,提高拮抗肌张力,使痉挛肌与拮抗肌间张力恢复平衡;环跳、太冲、阳陵泉、悬钟等穴可强化下肢屈肌运动,拮抗下肢伸肌运动,纠正伸肌肌群与屈肌肌群之间的紊乱关系,由此减轻下肢痉挛程度;足三里与血海乃生血养血之源,血海生血活血,足三里则理血养血,二穴配伍,相得益彰,总调一身之气血。督脉与足太阳膀胱经循行路线相通,二者有多处交会,夹脊穴可联络沟通二脉,起到调控二脉的枢纽作用,督脉与夹脊穴可抑制脊髓神经节反射的亢奋,缓解腱反射亢进和肌张力亢进。诸穴相互协调,互相融合,相辅相成,使全身经脉气血通畅,筋脉濡养,从而改善中风后肢体痉挛状态。 The pathological basis of limb spasms after stroke is Qi deficiency and blood stasis,in which Qi deficiency is the internal basis and blood stasis is the pathological product.Qi deficiency and blood stasis always run through the entire course of stroke.The fundamental reason for limb spasms after stroke is Qi deficiency and blood stasis.According to the concept of syndrome differentiation of channels and collaterals,the method of supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation and the meridian group in acupuncture and moxibustion are used in combination,which mainly includes Hand Yangming large intestine meridian,Food Shaoyang gallbladder meridian,Du meridian and Jiaji acupoint.Shaoyang,the governor vessel and Jiaji acupoints.Acupoints such as Jianyu,Quchi and Hegu can antagonize upper limb flexor movement,strengthen upper limb extensor movement,increase antagonistic muscle tension,and restore balance between spasmodic and antagonistic muscle tension;Acupoints such as Huantiao,Taichong,Yanglingquan and Xuanzhong can strengthen the lower limb flexor muscle movement,antagonize the lower limb extensor muscle movement,correct the disordered relationship between the extensor muscle group and the flexor muscle group,and thus reduce the degree of lower limb spasms;Zusanli and the Xuehai are the sources of blood production and nourishment,in which the latter generates and promotes blood circulation while the former regulates and nourishes blood.The combination of the two acupoints complements each other and regulates the overall Qi and blood of the body.The Du meridian and the Foot Taiyang bladder meridian follow the same route,and the two intersect at multiple acupoints.The Jiaji acupoint can connect and communicate with the two meridians,playing a pivotal role in regulating the two meridians.The Du meridian and Jiaji acupoint can inhibit the excitement of spinal cord ganglion reflex,alleviate tendon reflex hyperactivity and muscle tone hyperactivity.The various acupoints coordinate and blend with each other,complemen
作者 岳姣姣 YUE Jiaojiao(The Third Affiliated Hospital to Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou Henan China 450008)
出处 《中医学报》 CAS 2024年第4期798-802,共5页 Acta Chinese Medicine
基金 河南省中医药青苗人才培养项目{豫卫中医函[2021]16号}。
关键词 中风后肢体痉挛 益气活血法 针灸取穴 手阳明大肠经 足少阳胆经 督脉 夹脊穴 周友龙 limb spasms after stroke Qi tonifying and blood activating method acupuncture and moxibustion point selection Hand Yangming large intestine meridian Foot Shaoyang gallbladder meridian Du meridian Jiaji acupoint Zhou Youlong
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