

Interpretation of Jiangxi'in Shanghan Zabing Lun
摘要 《伤寒杂病论》“将息”一词共记载10次,后世学者视其为一双音节词组,并释义为“养息、调养”,为服药后护理之法。然汉代张仲景记载之“将息”为两个单音节词连用,并非为一词组。历版教材径将“将息”注解为调养之意是所处时代的语言背景限制,未考虑到仲景时期的用词习惯。文章梳理“将息”的词意变化,通过考证相关秦汉非医典籍中“将”“息”的含义,结合《伤寒杂病论》原文阐释仲景“将息”之原意。认为“将”,行也;“息”,止也。凡服药之法,病瘥则不终一剂则止,不愈则服至二三剂。“将息”强调了服药进退之法度,是临床诊疗的重要环节之一,理应高度重视并落实于诊疗实践中。 The word ‘Jiangxi'is recorded 10 times in total in Shanghan Zabing Lun.Later scholars interpret ‘Jiangxi'as‘recuperation',and consider it as the phrase about the method of nursing after taking medicine.However,‘Jiangxi'which recorded by ZHANG Zhongjing was composed of two monosyllabic words rather than the phrase in the Han dynasty.Past editions of textbooks directly interpret‘Jianagxi'as the meaning of conditioning,which is the limitation of the language background of the era in which it is located,and do not take into account the word habits of the Zhongjing period.This article sorts out the changes in the meaning of ‘Jiangxi',examines the meaning of‘wil'and‘rest'in the relevant Qin and Han non-medical texts,and further explains the original meaning of ‘Jiangxi'combing with the original text of Shanghan Zabing Lun.“Will'means advance and‘rest’ means cessation.‘Jiangxi',the rules of taking medicine,means that doctors should stop to administer the medication if the disease is cured and continue to administer the medicine if the disease is not cured.It emphasizes the advance and retreat of the medication conditioning program.It is one of the important links in clinical diagnosis and treatments.It should be highly emphasized and implemented in the practice of diagnosis and treatments.
作者 王海晓 徐爽 邓慧芳 钟相根 WANG Haixiao;XU Shuang;DENG Huifang;ZHONG Xianggen(School of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China;Beijing Tongyou Sanhe Chinese Medicine Foundation,Beijing 100102,China;State Key Laboratory for Quality Ensurance and Sustainable Use of Dao-di Herbs,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期979-981,共3页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 国家重点研发计划(No.2019YFC1709200,No.2019YFC1709201) 中央本级重大增减支项目“名贵中药资源可持续利用能力建设项目”(No.2060302-2301-16) 2022年第五批全国中医临床优秀人才研修项目(No.国中医药人教函﹝2022﹞239号) 北京中医药大学教育科学研究专项课题(No.XJZX2019)。
关键词 《伤寒论》 《金匮要略》 将息 仲景原意 服药方法 Shanghan Lun Synopsis of Golden Chamber Jiangxi Original meaning by ZHANG Zhongjing Methods of takingmedicine
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