

The Differentiation Effect in the Confirmation Registration of Rights over Marine Resources
摘要 采用区分效力的登记模式可以明确海洋资源开发利用中的权利归属,从而排他地保护权利。海洋资源确权登记没有直接设权的功能,但作为权利外观具有推定力与公信力。各种海洋资源确权登记的实质是国家法律授权下的行政事实确认行为。海洋资源确权登记在权利设立中采登记生效主义,在非基于法律行为的权利变动中仅发生影响处分的效果。登记区分效力一方面需依托规则解释形成关联的登记体系,另一方面需配合不动产登记与自然资源统一确权登记作出调适。此外,采用观念化的客体特定标准能纾解海洋资源难以特定的问题,达成“共同但有区分”的海洋资源登记效力。 The effect of confirmation registration of rights over marine resources is complex.In the process of exploitation,the registration over marine resources has different effects due to changes in rights.However,from the functional perspective,the logic of private law behind it can still be discerned.The differentiation effect of registration mode can clarify the ownership of marine resources in the process of developing and using marine resources so as to protect the rights exclusively.First of all,defining the nature of registration is the premise of understanding the registration system.Confirmation registration of rights over marine resources can be recognized as an administrative act.Furthermore,it is fact-confirming act that belongs to the administrative act.This conclusion is mainly based on the following considerations.On the one hand,Article 210 of the Civil Code clearly grants the power to registration authority to register.Article 213 of the Civil Code sets out the scope of duties that registration authorities are prohibited to perform.From these two provisions,it can be inferred that the legislative intent of the Civil Code is consistent with the spirit of“prohibition without authorization”in public law.On the other hand,the reason why it can be recognized as the fact-confirming administrative act is concluded from the purpose and scope of the registration.As for the purpose,the establishment of registration system for confirmation of rights over marine resources is actually to achieve the publicizing effect in private law.The effect of private law and the nature of public law of registration need to be understood separately.As for the scope,many conflicts of maritime rights are caused by the unclear scope of registration.However,the form of marine resources is uncertain,and it is difficult to specify the object of rights.This is also the manifestation of its particularity,and it is necessary to re-understand the issue of registration effect.In a word,the registration has no function of directly estab
作者 李国强 李敏 LI Guoqiang;LI Min(Law School,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China)
出处 《中国海商法研究》 2024年第1期14-26,共13页 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
基金 2020年度国家社科基金重点项目“自然资源利用的权利体系研究”(20AFX017)。
关键词 海洋资源 登记效力 不动产登记 自然资源统一确权登记 marine resources effect of registration real estate registration unified confirmation registration of rights over natural resources
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