Video game rules belong to the “idea” in the “idea and expression dichotomy”.The “idea and expression dichotomy” is not based on the distinction between “general” and “specific”,and video game rules do not become “expression” simply because they are concrete or complex.Video game rules should not be equated with the expression of game rules to circumvent the principles of copyright law that do not protect rules.Any operating method belongs to the “idea”.According to legal interpretation methods,works protected by copyright law,such as musical works,dramatic works,and photographic works,cannot be regarded as “operating methods” to justify protecting video game rules as operating method.“Plot” protected by copyright law as “expression” only applies to narrative literary works that can be performed,and video game rules cannot be analogized as “plot”.Video game rules are not located in the “literature,art,and science fields”,and the definition of works in Article 3 of the Copyright Law is a “necessary condition” rather than a “sufficient condition” for constituting works.Treating video game rules as a new type of work will result in foreign video game rules being protected by copyright in China,while Chinese video game rules will not receive the same protection overseas.
Law Science