

A Study on the Neolithic Stone Knife Deposits at Guijiabao Site,Southwest Sichuan
摘要 石刀堆积是盐源皈家堡遗址新石器遗存中一类特殊的遗迹现象,此堆积未见明确实体边界,有着统一的用器制度和相对集中的分布空间。皈家堡遗址新石器时代石刀堆积可能是墓区之间具有象征标识的墓祭遗留,可能属于“瘗埋”的祭祀形式,是农业祭祀仪式活动的反映。皈家堡遗址石刀堆积丰富了中国史前时期器物集中堆置现象的案例,提供了不同的功能解读。 Stone knife deposits dating to the Neolithic period appear rarely at Guijiabao site.Although no traces of clear boundaries were found,they contain uniform object assemblages and have a relatively concentrated distribution in the middle of the excavation zone.The assemblages are dominated by half-moon shaped perforated stone knives,accompanied by stone axes and adzes,jade adzes and chisels,and a boar tooth sometimes.These objects are piled in order intentionally,with similar objects(especially the knives)placed in same position.The stones are fine polished and carry marks of use wear.The findings at Guijiabao provide new evidence for object deposits in prehistory and contribute to studies on the functional interpretation.The contexts of these deposits at Guijiabao indicate that they are neither storages nor graves.It is likely that the deposition of stone knives is remains of burial ritual practices carried out between different grave zones.Of these objects,knives are likely tools for harvesting in agriculture,while axes,adzes and chisels are common woodworking tools,revealing the importance of agriculture in daily life.Besides,boar teeth are potential ritual objects that have been widely known in graves and ritual monuments in prehistoric China,representing divinity.The frequent presence of agricultural tools in combination with jades and boar teeth suggests that the deposits are parts of the ceremony in worship of earth and a reflection of the agricultural ritual.The combination of earth worship,graves and agricultural tools as signs of agricultural development at Guijiabao is indicative for the unique beliefs held by the local people,in which the stone knife deposits may have become a medium for communication between the life and death worlds.However,this topic is open to discussion given the limited number of samples at present and context is very important for the interpretation of cultural and ritual significance ofobject deposits.
作者 周志清 刘灵鹤 Zhou Zhiqing;Liu Linghe
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2024年第1期61-67,共7页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
基金 国家社会科学基金“盐源皈家堡遗址整理与研究”(项目编号:19BKG005) 国家文物局“考古中国”重大项目“川渝地区巴蜀文明进程研究”。
关键词 皈家堡遗址 新石器时代 石刀堆积 祭祀 Guijiabao site Neolithic Stone knife deposits Ritual practice
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