
煤系共伴生矿产协同开发 被引量:2

Collaborative development of co⁃existed and associated minerals in the coal series
摘要 煤系共伴生矿产的矿种多,量大面广,与煤层叠置;煤系矿产协同开发是国家的重大战略需求。采动岩层活动叠加与流体迁移规律是煤系共伴生矿产协调开采的核心共性科学问题。采动应力、岩层变形、断裂与运动等叠加是影响煤系共伴生矿产协调开采的关键因素,层间岩层稳定性、层间岩层裂隙贯通度、层间岩层渗流失稳和矿层(体)破断台阶错动量是评价能否协调开采的关键指标。煤系共伴生矿产通过分区错时开采方法、污染物源头阻隔等协调开采技术,实现环境影响的协同控制效应。由于煤系共伴生矿产赋存位置与赋存状态的差异性,其协同开发产业链中所涉及的核心产业环节也有所不同,考虑不同矿种开采工艺与设备的兼容性,相应形成了不同的协同开发模式。目前初步形成了煤-铝-铁-镓综合开发(兴县模式)、煤-铀协调开采(伊犁盆地)、水-煤-气协调开发(鄂尔多斯)等模式或场景,提出了煤矿井下钻井采铀、油气等共采工艺技术。协同开发技术可行,安全与环境有保障。叠置矿产分矿权开发,易导致相互影响,彼此不能正常开采,安全风险及环境影响增大。煤系共伴生矿产的矿权配置是产业发展核心问题,亟需产业政策支持,促进行业高质量发展。提出了矿权改革、综合勘探、协同开发等政策建议,煤系共伴生矿产协同开发企业可有各矿种企业签订互不影响协议、以主矿体为主的联合相关矿种开发企业共同开发、成立叠置资源综合开发公司进行协同开发等3种企业模式。 There are many types of minerals associated with coal series,with large quantity and wide distribution,and they overlap with coal seams.Collaborative development of coal series minerals is a major strategic demand of the country.The superposition of mining rock activity and fluid migration law are the core common scientific issues of coordinated mining of co⁃existed and associated minerals.The superposition of mining stress,rock deformation,fractures,and movement are key factors affecting the coordinated mining of co⁃existed and associated minerals in coal series.The stability of interlayer rock layers,the continuity of interlayer rock fractures,and the displacement of fractured steps in ore layers(bodies)are key indicators for evaluating whether coordinated mining can be attained.By utilizing coor⁃dinated mining techniques such as zoning and staggered mining methods,as well as pollutant source iso⁃lation,synergistic control can be achieved to coordinate the environmental impact of mining.Due to the differences in the occurrence locations and states of associated minerals in the coal series,the core indus⁃trial links involved in their collaborative development industry chain also vary.Considering the compati⁃bility of different mining processes and equipment,various collaborative development models have been formed accordingly.At present,there are preliminary models or scenarios for the comprehensive deve⁃lopment of coal aluminum iron gallium(Xingxian model),coordinated mining of coal uranium(Ili Ba⁃sin),and coordinated development of water coal gas(Ordos).Technologies for co⁃mining of uranium and oil and gas through underground drilling in coal mines have been proposed,achieving feasible col⁃laborative development technology,safety,and environmental protection.The development of overlap⁃ping mineral rights can easily lead to mutual influence,inability to mine normally,and increased safety risks and environmental impacts.The allocation of mining rights for associated minerals in the coal ser
作者 黄炳香 赵兴龙 韩晓克 吴占伟 袁国栋 张青林 HUANG Bingxiang;ZHAO Xinglong;HAN Xiaoke;WU Zhanwei;YUAN Guodong;ZHANG Qinglin(State Key Laboratory for Fine Exploration and Intelligent Development of Coal Resources,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221116,China;Shanxi Huaxing Aluminum Industry Co Ltd,Lyuliang,Shanxi 035300,China;CNNC Xinjiang Mining Co Ltd,Urumqi,Xinjiang 841100,China)
出处 《采矿与安全工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期1-14,共14页 Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFC2902100) 中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目(2023-XZ-19)。
关键词 煤系 共伴生矿产 共采 安全 环境 coal series co⁃existed and associated minerals simultaneous mining safety environment
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