
批准生效合同责任承担的体系构造——《民法典合同编通则解释》第12条评释 被引量:2

System Structure of Liability for Ratification of Contracts in Force
摘要 《民法典合同编通则解释》第12条仅涉及法律、行政法规这一层级法源设立的直接影响债权合同生效的报批手续,属于法律规定的特别生效要件。合同已成立未生效时产生形式拘束力,包括不得擅自变更或解除的消极义务以及履行报批义务等积极义务。法定报批义务以及围绕报批义务的约定独立生效,属于依据诚实信用原则产生的附随义务,相对方有权采取请求继续履行报批义务的救济方式。第12条第1款在第一阶段新创设了一种法定解除权,“违反报批义务的赔偿责任”应仅限于固有利益的直接损失,而不应参照违反预约合同的赔偿范围。第2款在第二阶段的解除权符合《民法典》第563条要件,赔偿范围参照违约责任时需考察通过批准的难易度、报批义务人拒不报批的主观恶性程度以及整个交易的完成度和成熟度。第4款在第三阶段批准机关决定不予批准时无须规定解除权,报批义务人承担过错责任,依据《民法典》第157条考虑适用财产返还和折价补偿制度的替代效果。 Article 12 of the Interpretation on Contract Part in the Civil Code deals only with the approval formalities established at the level of law and administrative regulations that directly affect the enforceability of a debt contract,which are special effective conditions.When a contract has been formed but not yet taken effect,it has a formal binding force,including negative obligations such as the obligation not to alter or cancel the contract without permission and positive obligations such as the obligation to submit for approval.Statutory approval obligations and agreements around approval obligations take effect independently and are collateral obligations arising from the principle of good faith.In this case,the counterparty is entitled to remedy by requesting continuation of the approval obligations.Paragraph 1 of the Article 12 creates a right of termination in the first stage,limiting the compensation for"damage caused by the breach of the approval obligation"to the direct loss of an inherent interest.In the second stage,the right of termination in paragraph 2 meets Article 563 of the Civil Code,where the scope of compensation is determined by the degree of difficulty in obtaining the approval,the degree of subjective malice of the person obliged to submit the approval and the degree of completion and maturity of the transaction as a whole.In the third stage,paragraph 4 does not require a right of termination in the event that the approval authority decides not to grant approval,and the person obliged to submit the approval is liable for the fault.The system of restitution of property and compensation at a discount is applied in the case of damages,with reference to the application of Article 157 of the Civil Code.
作者 汪洋 WANG Yang
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《法治研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期52-62,共11页 Research on Rule of Law
关键词 批准生效合同 报批义务 未生效 缔约过失 预约 approval contract approval obligation pending enforceability fault in negotiation preliminary contract
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