

Martin Amis's Time's Arrow and the Ethics of Representation in Anglo-American Holocaust Fiction
摘要 由英、美等英语国家非犹太人作家创作的“盎格鲁—美利坚”大屠杀小说一直深陷再现伦理危机。马丁·艾米斯在《时间箭》中为克服这一危机做出极大努力。他从“雅利安人”的自我身份认同出发,将纳粹加害者再现为“我们”中的一员而非不可理解的“他者”,引导人们对其形成产生思考,以此强调“盎格鲁—美利坚”作家的特殊使命,彰显“盎格鲁—美利坚”大屠杀小说的价值和潜力。同时,为了抵制加害者“去他者化”可能引起的读者共情,小说以“灵魂”叙述者和“倒带”叙事手法形成间离,最终旨在为大屠杀受害者负责。小说由此对“盎格鲁—美利坚”大屠杀小说再现伦理的关键问题“再现什么”“如何再现”“为何再现”做出了自己的回答。 The Anglo-American Holocaust fiction,written by non-Jewish novelists in English-speaking countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States,has always had the ethical crisis of representation.Martin Amis,in Time's Arrow,makes a great effort to overcome this crisis.Having identifed himself with an Aryan,he represents the Nazi perpetrator as one of"us"rather than the incomprehensible"other,"leads people to think about the becoming of the"perpetrator,"and thus emphasizes the special mission of Anglo-American novelists,and highlights the value and potentials of Anglo-American Holocaust fiction.On the other hand,in order to avoid the readers'empathy that might be triggered by the de-otherizing of the perpetrator,the novel uses a"soul"'narrator and"backwards"narration to keep a distance,with the ultimate aim of taking responsibility for the Holocaust victims.The novel thus gives answers to the key questions in the ethics of representation in Anglo-American Holocaust fiction:"what to represent,""how to represent,"and"why to represent."
作者 杜兰兰 Du Lanlan(English Department,Xinyang Normal University,Xinyang,Henan Province)
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期15-25,共11页 Foreign Literature
基金 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目“马丁·艾米斯小说的伦理取向研究”(2023BWX016)。
关键词 艾米斯 《时间箭》 “盎格鲁—美利坚”大屠杀小说 再现伦理 加害者 Martin Amis Time's Arrow Anglo-American Holocaust Fiction ethics of representation perpetrator
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