目的:基于数据挖掘对新安著作《临证指南医案》辨治心系疾病组方用药规律进行探究,希望对临床用药提供新思路。方法:整理《临证指南医案》治疗心系疾病方剂共81首,利用Microsoft Excel 2016、IBM SPSS Modeler18.0、IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0进行关联分析和聚类分析。结果:共计纳入81收医案处方,涉及135种中药,用药总频次为,高频药物(>10次)共味,最高频次药物为茯苓,其次为半夏、甘草、生姜、人参、桂枝、陈皮、茯神、酸枣仁等,药物药味以辛、甘、苦为主,药性以寒、温为主,归脾、肺、心经为主,关联分析共得到核心药物7组,聚类分析将19味中药分为5类。结论:叶天士治疗心系疾病以养心安神,益木生火,调肝理气,化痰逐饮为主,可供临床参考。
Objective:To explore the prescriptions and medication rules for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac diseases in Xin’an’s“Clinical Guidelines and Medical Records”based on data mining,hoping to provide new ideas for clinical medication.Methods:A total of 81 prescriptions for treating heart-related diseases in the“Clinical Guidelines and Medical Records”were compiled,and correlation analysis and cluster analysis were conducted using Microsoft Excel 2016,IBM SPSS Modeler18.0,and IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0.Results:A total of 81 prescriptions from medical records were included,involving 135 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines.The total frequency of medication was.Highfrequency drugs(>10 times)had the same flavor.The most frequent drug was Poria,followed by pinellia,licorice,ginger,ginseng,and cinnamon twig,dried tangerine peel,poria,jujube kernel,etc.The medicinal taste of the medicine is mainly pungent,sweet,and bitter,the medicinal properties are mainly cold and warm,and the main effects are on the spleen,lung,and heart meridians.A total of 7 groups of core medicines were obtained through correlation analysis and cluster analysis The 19 traditional Chinese medicines were divided into 5 categories.Conclusion:YE Tianshi’s treatment of heart diseases mainly focuses on nourishing the heart and calming the nerves,replenishing wood to generate fire,regulating the liver and regulating Qi,and resolving phlegm and drinking water,which can be used as a clinical reference.
WU Yan;YAO Huaifang(The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Anhui Hefei 230031,China)
Clinical Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
“Clinical Guidelines and Medical Records”
YE Tianshi
Data mining
Heart disease