
论21世纪文化的功能与意义 被引量:1

On the Functions and Significance of Culture in the 21st Century
摘要 进入21世纪,世界遭遇百年未有之大变局,人类处在事关自身命运的十字路口。直面现实危机和解答发展难题以应对诸多文化乱象,人类需要站在文化世界的位面上,思考和确证文化的功能与意义,以寻找战胜困难的支点。从人类文化发展史的进程来看,文化的功能和意义是在人类文化创造和文化自觉的实践逻辑中逐渐显现出来的。其一,文化是人类的精神家园,是人类安身立命和不竭发展动力的终极所在。人创造文化的同时也就是创造自己的精神家园,人离不开文化也就离不开自己的精神家园。精神家园作为文化的功能和意义的存在不是抽象虚无空洞的,而是有其客观的存在基础和发生的生命本体。其二,文化具有价值导向的功能和意义。文化的不同往往意味着价值观和行为方式的不同。当文化的价值导向呈现为异中之同占主导地位时,文化表现为融合融通共在的态势;当文化的价值导向呈现为同中之异占主导地位时,文化则表现为对立矛盾分裂的态势。其三,文化具有影响人类生存和发展的“辐射之波”,使得人类文化生发出促进文化交往、文化传播与文化融合的内生力量,呈现出文明互鉴、合作共赢、面向未来的人类命运共同体图景。 Since the beginning of the 21st century,the world has undergone profound changes unseen in a century,and the destiny of humanity has arrived at a crossroads.Confronted with the substantive crises and development challenges amid cultural chaos,humanity needs to reflect on the functions and significance of culture from the standpoint of a global cultural community and to secure ways to overcome the obstacles and difficulties that hinder its future progress and prosperity.From the perspective of the development history of human culture,the functions and significance of culture have gradually emerged in the practical logic of human cultural creation and cultural consciousness.Firstly,culture is the spiritual home of humanity,the ultimate source of a perpetual impetus for human survival and development.When people create culture,they also create their own spiritual home,whose cultural functions and significance are not abstract or void,but constitute the objective basis for the existence and the essence of life.Secondly,culture has value-oriented functions and significance.Cultural differences often imply differences in values and behaviors.When the value orientation of culture is dominated by common ground in relation to differences,culture exhibits a trend of communication,coexistence and integration;when the value orientation of culture is dominated by differences in relation to common ground,culture manifests a state of opposition,contradiction,and division.Thirdly,culture underpins the survival and development of humanity in that it serves as endogenous forces that promote cultural exchange,dissemination,and integration,leading to a vision of a community with a shared future for mankind that features mutual learning,win-win cooperation and future orientation among diverse civilizations.
作者 李想哲 LI Xiangzhe
出处 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第6期125-137,共13页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 文化 精神家园 价值导向 人类命运共同体 culture spiritual home value orientation a community with a shared future for mankind
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