
何以想象为一家:云南各民族共祖神话的生成与流变 被引量:4

How to Imagine as Being One Family:The Formation and Evolution of the Common Ancestry Myths of Various Ethnic Groups in Yunnan
摘要 云南是我国共祖神话最多、流传最广泛的地区,最能体现我国各民族共祖神话生成想象的典型性和代表性。各民族共祖神话中蕴含着最初的共同体历史记忆,揭示了在共同的生存适应中形成的相互依存、并存共生的历史图景。共祖神话的产生及传扬,促进了族际跨文化认同和共生意识的形成与强化。深入解读和探索共祖神话的历史成因,可以发现其蕴藏着各族际之间如何跨越族群边界认同而成为一个区域共同体的地方性路径。云南各民族共祖神话创生的历史基础就是统一的多民族国家边疆治理与开发进程中族际间共生关系的不断维系和强化,但同时也并行交错着各族群对于共生关系的选择、博弈与调适的演化过程。兄弟共祖神话是在历史发展进程中各民族主动参与建构中华民族共同体,主动铸牢中华民族共同体意识的重要路径和智慧表达。 Myth can be defined as a reflection of historical memory and social environment.The rich and colorful myth of the common ancestry of several ethnic groups in Yunnan contains the simple and beautiful community memory of all these ethnic groups,revealing an ethnic interdependent symbiotic relation formed during a historical process.Yunnan is a typical and representative province where the myth of common ancestry spreads the most in China.Moreover,the consciousness of a shared ancestor contained in this myth,to a certain extent,is a regional historical image of the participation and co-construction of all ethnic groups in the generation process of a Chinese national community consciousness.The myth of the common ancestry fully shows a life picture of mutual assistance and integration among various ethnic peoples in Yunnan,thus highlighting the local characteristics of the formation and development of the consciousness of the Chinese national community.This is specifically embodied in the following aspects:Taking a common ancestor as the basis for ties of kinship,taking neighboring ethnic groups as the main imagination objects,a general emergence of Han people,and the differences in the common ancestor imagination among the different branches of the same ethnic group.Results additionally indicate that symbiosis is the basis for the formation of the common ancestor myth among all ethnic groups in Yunnan.Moreover,the border governance of the dynastic country reshaped and expanded the geographical space for the communication and symbiosis of the ethnic groups,and the active acquisition of Chinese culture and language by all ethnic people in Yunnan promoted direct communication between different ethnic groups.In addition,the formation of an economic symbiotic chain between different ethnic groups also further strengthened this interdependent pattern,providing more diverse imagination objects for the formation of the myth of common ancestry of various ethnic groups.The regional identity formed in the game of survival has
作者 周智生 Zhou Zhisheng(Editorial Office of Journal of Yunnan Normal University,Kunming,650092,Yunnan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第7期23-33,156,共12页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“滇藏缅印交角地区交流互动发展史研究”(15ZDB122)阶段性成果。
关键词 各民族共祖神话 族际适应与共生 生存策略 中华民族共同体意识 myth of common ancestry among ethnic groups inter-ethnic adaptation and symbiosis survival strategy Chinese national community consciousness
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