

Identification of rural settlement development types in the farming-pastoral zone based on social network analysis
摘要 【目的】农村居民点发展类型识别是统筹村庄规划的前提与基础,基于村民出行行为特征划分农村居民点发展类型能充分发挥乡村振兴中人的主体作用。【方法】以武川县可可以力更镇(可镇)为例,运用社会网络分析探讨村民出行行为空间联系特征,基于联系强度与程度中心度组合特征识别农村居民点发展类型,并提出不同发展类型居民点乡村振兴路径。【结果】①可镇村民日常出行构成中,社交占比最大,其次为购物、学习,医疗与工作占比稍次,旅游占比最小;②可镇农村居民点联系强度空间分布不均,呈中心向外围辐射的网状结构,建制镇为区域网络中心;农村居民点程度中心度总体较高,其主要分布于交通线与建制镇附近;③将可镇农村居民点发展类型划分为城郊融合类(20个)、特色保护类(9个)、集聚提升类(44个)、一般存续类(49个)及搬迁撤并类(58个),结合地域实际提出各自乡村振兴路径,并顾及村内联系强度为搬迁撤并类居民点提供搬迁参考方向。【结论】考虑村民出行需求识别农村居民点发展类型,有利于精准定位、分类施策推进乡村振兴。本文可为乡村振兴战略背景下农牧交错区农村居民点类型识别及村域尺度规划提供理论参考。 [Objective]The classification of rural settlement development types is crucial for comprehensive and effective village planning.By examining the characteristics of rural resident travel behaviors,this study aimed to categorize rural settlement development types and subsequently propose tailored strategies for rural revitalization.This approach can significantly contribute to the sustainable and holistic development of rural areas.[Methods]This study applied social network analysis to examine the spatial linkage patterns of rural resident travel behaviors in Kekeyiligeng(Ke Town)of Wuchuan County.It also incorporated expert scoring to obtain the weights of various travel frequencies.Subsequently,it used kernel density estimation to study the spatial distribution characteristics of rural settlements within the research area.By measuring the intensity and degree of centrality of these rural settlements,the study was able to identify their development types using the general matrix model.Finally,this study proposed paths of rural revitalization tailored to the specific development types,to foster sustainable growth and development in the region.[Results]The research results show that:(1)Among the daily travel activities of Ke Town residents,socializing comprises the largest share(52%),followed by shopping(26%)and studying(13%),while medical care and work account for similar proportions(4%),and tourism has the smallest share(1%).(2)The connection strength between settlements within Ke Town forms a network structure emanating from the central node represented by the central town.Key factors influencing connection strength include transportation infrastructure,resource endowment,and population size.Settlements with high degree centrality are typically located along transportation routes or in close proximity to the central town.(3)Ke Town’s rural settlements are categorized into five types:suburban integration(20),characteristic protection(9),agglomeration promotion(44),general persistence(49),and relocation and merge
作者 邹亚锋 罗锋 饶钰飞 朱苡萱 易呈锋 吕昌河 吴聘奇 ZOU Yafeng;LUO Feng;RAO Yufei;ZHU Yixuan;YI Chengfeng;LV Changhe;WU Pinqi(College of Environment and Safety Engineering,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350108,China;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期2222-2233,共12页 Resources Science
基金 福州大学人才引进项目(XRC-22026) 教育部人文社会科学一般项目(21YJC840028) 福建省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S202310386088)。
关键词 乡村振兴 社会网络分析 类型识别 农牧交错区 武川县可可以力更镇 rural revitalization social network analysis type identification farming-pastoral zone Ke Town ofWuchuan County
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