

Research on disruptive innovation strategy from the perspective of opportunity window:A case study at the industrial level
摘要 破坏式创新是推动产业变革的重要战略。本文通过对嵊州集成灶产业破坏式创新过程的探究,以机会窗口为视角,分析当地政府和企业如何识别和响应机会窗口,解决合法性问题,使破坏式产品逐步实现从低端市场到主流市场的跃迁。研究发现,第一,破坏式产品创新的机会窗口来源于两种性能实现方案:改变产品单一性能模块,以及转换模块间的架构方式。第二,企业的技术抱负、网络协动等因素促进了破坏式创新机会窗口的识别,政府的品牌意识和资源支持进一步保证了机会窗口的持续识别。第三,企业通过“功能启发-情感构建-情感强化”战略逐步获取规范和认知合法性,政府通过“标准构建-政府合法性溢出-平台合法性溢出”战略,推动产业获取规制和认知合法性,以成功响应机会窗口。本文从产业层面丰富了破坏式创新的研究,不仅识别了政府在应对合法性挑战方面的战略性作用,也为政企如何合力推动产业升级提供了实践参考。 In recent years,with the increasing uncertainty of the market environment,the acceleration of technological updating,the escalation of trade frictions between China and the United States,disruptive innovation has become increasingly important for Chinese enterprises to achieve transformation,upgrading and development.Unlike sustaining innovation,disruptive innovation is a form of change that“disrupts the established trajectory of performance improvement or redefines performance”.It deviates from the existing development trajectory and launches products or services that have poor traditional core performance based on the needs of low-end and new market consumers.Subsequently,it continuously improves performance,ultimately eroding the mainstream market.This marketoriented innovation model not only helps latecomers who lack resource accumulation to achieve leapfrog development,but also promotes the emergence of emerging industries and solves practical problems in social development.However,many enterprises in China currently find it difficult to identify opportunities for disruptive innovation,significant original achievements are still lacking,and many industries are at the low and middle ends of the global value chain.Therefore,how to identify disruptive innovation opportunities and promote their success is not only a practical problem that needs to be solved urgently for enterprise development and industrial transformation,but also an important topic for innovation strategy research.However,some gaps still remain in the existing research on disruptive innovation:firstly,the key to successful disruptive innovation is the timely identification of and response to windows of opportunity,and the challenge of legitimacy for disruptive innovation must be addressed in order to successfully respond to windows of opportunity,but the existing literature on disruptive innovation has not systematically examined windows of opportunity and legitimacy.Secondly,research on responses to windows of opportunity has focused on th
作者 李正卫 赵鑫 王飞绒 Li Zhengwei;Zhao Xin;Wang Feirong(School of Management,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310023,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期82-92,共11页 Science Research Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目:“美国实体清单制裁对我国高新技术产业的重大挑战与对策研究”(22AJY012,2022.09.30-2025.09.30)。
关键词 破坏式创新 机会窗口 合法性 区域产业 disruptive innovation window of opportunity legitimacy regional industry
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