

Study on simulation model of high cut-off frequency Schottky diode
摘要 基于表面沟道型平面肖特基势垒二极管基本结构,采用GaAs 0.15μm伪高电子迁移率晶体管(pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors,pHEMT)工艺制程,提出了一种垂直沟道长跨度空气桥的肖特基二极管模型.研究了不同阳极直径对肖特基二极管级联电阻的影响,对比分析了不同焊盘间距下肖特基二极管模型的S参数仿真结果,得到最优空气桥长度;仿真了最优焊盘间距下二极管肖特基结的TCAD模型,根据仿真得到的特性曲线提取肖特基二极管的SPICE参数.经实验测试,该二极管具有极低的零偏置结电容,截止频率高达9 THz,仿真结果与实测结果吻合度较高,可用于太赫兹频段上. Based on the basic structure of surface channel planar Schottky barrier diode,and adopt GaAs 0.15μm pHEMT process,a Schottky diode model of the vertical channel extended span air bridge is proposed.The influence of different anode diameters on the Schottky diode cascade resistance is studied.The simulation results of S parameters of Schottky diode models with different pad spacing are compared and analyzed.The optimal air bridge length is obtained.The TCAD model of diode Schottky junction with optimal pad spacing is simulated.The SPICE parameters of Schottky diode are extracted according to the simulation characteristic curve.The experimental results show that the diode has an extremely low zero bias junction capacitance,and the cut-off frequency is up to 9 THz.The simulation results agree well with the measured results,and can be used in the terahertz band.
作者 余蒋平 李少甫 唐颖颖 YU Jiangping;LI Shaofu;TANG Yingying(School of Information Engineering,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,China)
出处 《电波科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1040-1047,共8页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会-中国工程物理研究院NSAF联合基金(U1830201)。
关键词 太赫兹 肖特基二极管 GAAS 垂直沟道 截止频率 terahertz Schottky diode Gallium arsenide(GaAs) vertical channel cut-off frequency
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