
焦家金矿全尾砂充填体三轴试验研究 被引量:1

Investigation of Three-Axial Testing on Full Tailings Backfill at Jiaojia Gold Mine
摘要 充填采矿法可有效解决采矿生产过程中尾矿库塌陷和环境污染等问题,充填材料主要以水泥作为胶结剂,但普通水泥充填体强度低、充填成本高。鉴于此,以焦家金矿全尾砂为研究对象开展充填体常规三轴试验,以水泥作为对照,对比分析矿渣基胶结剂在不同养护龄期(3、7、14、28 d)和不同围压(0、50、100、300、500 kPa)下的力学特性。结果表明,矿渣基充填体可有效提升充填体强度,其不同养护龄期的抗压强度均大于水泥充填体。养护龄期的增加促使充填体从塑性向脆性转化,围压的增加促使充填体从脆性向塑性转化。Mogi-Coulomb强度准则比Mohr-Coulomb强度准则更适用于评估焦家金矿全尾砂充填体力学特性。随着围压增加,充填体的破坏特征从张拉破坏到剪切破坏,破坏裂纹分布密度减小;养护龄期和胶结剂类型对充填体破坏模式影响不大。试验结果表明矿渣基可解决充填体强度低、固体废弃物堆存等问题,有利于实现矿山充填绿色发展。 Filling mining method can effectively solve the problems of tailings pond collapse and environmental pollution in ore mining production.Cement is the main filling material,but the strength of ordinary cement filling body is low and the filling cost is high.Given this,conventional triaxial tests were carried out on the tailings of Jiaojia gold mine,and the mechanical properties of slag-based cementitious agent with different curing time(3,7,14 and 28 d)and different confining pressures(0,50,100,300 and 500 kPa)were compared with cement.The results show that slag-based backfill body can effectively improve the strength of backfill body,and its compressive strength at different curing time is greater than that of cement backfill body.The increase of curing time promotes the transition from plasticity to brittleness,and the increase of confining pressure promotes the transition from brittleness to plasticity.Mogi-Coulomb strength criterion is more suitable than Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion to evaluate the mechanical properties of full tailings filling in Jiaojia Gold Mine.With the increase of confining pressure,the failure characteristics of the backfill body change from tensile failure to shear failure,and the distribution density of failure cracks decreases.Curing time and cementitious agent type has little effect on the failure mode of backfill body.The test results show that slag-based can solve the problems of low strength of backfill body and solid waste storage,which is conducive to the realization of green development of filling mining.
作者 李丹 张治强 历佟 张希巍 LI Dan;ZHANG Zhiqiang;LI Tong;ZHANG Xiwei(College of Mining Engineering,University of Science and Technology Liaoning,Anshan 114051,China;Engineering Research Center of Green Mining of Metal Mineral Resources Liaoning Province,Anshan 114051,China;Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Safe Mining of Deep Metal Mines,Shenyang 110819,China)
出处 《有色金属工程》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第12期141-150,共10页 Nonferrous Metals Engineering
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0801603)。
关键词 三轴压缩 全尾砂胶结充填材料 围压 龄期 triaxial compression total tailings cemented backfill confining pressure curing time
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