

Environmental Constraints,Dynamic Adaptation,and the Evolutionary Logic of the Public Sector:A Case Study Based on Unit G
摘要 在制度规定的刚性约束下,公共部门与环境之间仍然存在互动与匹配的动态关系。基于演化理论视角对公共部门内部管理变迁展开研究,通过“变异——选择——传承”的分析框架剖析其具体的演化机制。具体而言,组织的变异包括制度安排和定位转变,选择表现为集权与分权的管理模式抉择,在适应环境过程中形成的制度安排、人力资源和组织文化则作为传承因素,伴随着组织进入下一轮演化。通过对G单位的典型个案检视,公共部门内部管理应在符合国家政策法规、坚持中央和上级统一领导的前提下,敏锐回应环境变化,遵循动态优化原则,保持适当的弹性和灵活性,推动持续演化;注重人力资本积累和组织文化建设,激发公职人员的公共服务动机,发挥其政治效能感。 There is still an interactive and matching relationship between the public sector and the environment under the hard constraints of systems.In this paper,the internal management evolution of the public sector is explained from the perspective of biological evolution,and the specific mechanism of the evolution is explored under the basic analytical framework of"variation-selection-heredity".Specifically,the variation factors of the organization include institutional arrangement and orientation change;the selection is expressed in the choice between centralized and decentralized management modes;the institutional arrangement,human resources and organizational culture generated in the process of environmental adaptation become the genetic factors of the whole evolutionary process and accompany the organization to the next round of evolution.The typical case study of Unit G suggests that in the internal management,the public sector should adhere to the national policies and regulations,as well as the unified leadership of central and higher authorities,promptly responding to environmental changes and following the principle of dynamic optimization,maitaining proper flexibility and elasticity so as to promote continuous evolution.Human capital accumulation and organizational culture constuction should be emphasized to stimulate the motivation of public officials and improve their political efficacy.
作者 倪星 李佳樾 NI Xing;LI Jiayue
出处 《理论与现代化》 2023年第6期40-52,共13页 Theory and Modernization
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“推进廉政治理体系和治理能力现代化的战略、路径与对策研究”,项目编号:20ZDA105 深圳市建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区研究中心2022年重大课题“中国式现代化与深圳先行示范区建设研究”。
关键词 公共部门 内部管理 演化机制 社会演化理论 public sector internal management evolution mechanism theory of social evolution
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