目的:探讨孕前体质指数(BMI)、不同孕期增重与发生妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)关系。方法:以2020年9-12月于本院产科产前检查孕妇1508例为研究对象,调查孕前BMI,于孕24~28周常规GDM筛查。采用多因素logistic回归分析孕前BMI、孕早期增重、GDM筛查前增重与GDM的相关性。结果:共检出GDM 251例,检出率16.6%;随着孕前BMI的增加、孕早期增重程度的增加、GDM筛查前增重程度的增加,GDM检出率随之增加(P<0.05)。孕前BMI正常和超重/肥胖组孕早期增重过多者GDM的风险高于增重适宜者(OR=1.65、2.21);孕前BMI正常和超重/肥胖组GDM筛查前增重过多者GDM的风险高于增重适宜者(OR=1.60、1.82);孕前超重/肥胖者孕早期、GDM筛查前增重过少者GDM发生风险是低于增重适宜者(OR=0.73、0.53)。结论:孕前超重和肥胖均会增加GDM的发生风险,孕前BMI正常和超重肥胖者,孕期增重过多会增加GDM的发生风险。提示临床应对孕前BMI正常孕妇进行孕期增重的监测和随访,对孕前超重/肥胖者进行合理干预,使孕期增重保持在合理的范围以内,降低GDM的发生。
Objective:To explore the correlation between the pre-pregnancy body mass index(BMI)and different gestational weight gain of pregnant women and their occurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM).Methods:A total of 1508 pregnant women who underwent prenatal examinations from September to December 2020 were selected as the study subjects,and the pre-pregnancy BMI of these women was investigated.The routine GDM screening of these women during 24-28 gestational weeks was performed.The correlation between the pre-pregnancy BMI,the weight gain in early pregnancy,the weight gain before GDM screening of the women and their GDM were analyzed by multivariate logistic regression.Results:A total of 251 women with GDM were detected,with a detection rate of 16.6%.The detection rate of GDM of the women increased with the increase of their pre-pregnancy BMI,their weight gain in early pregnancy,and their weight gain before GDM screening(P<0.05).In the women with normal pre-pregnancy BMI or overweight/obese,the risk of GDM of the women with more weight gain was significantly higher than that of the women with appropriate weight gain(OR=1.65,2.21).In the women with normal pre-pregnancy BMI or overweight/obese,the risk of GDM of the women with more weight gain before GDM screening was significantly higher than that of the women with appropriate weight gain(OR=1.60,1.82).In the women with normal pre-pregnancy BMI or overweight/obese,the risk of GDM of the women with less weight gain in early pregnancy or with less weight gain before GDM screening was significantly lower than that of those of the women with appropriate weight gain(OR=0.73,0.53).Conclusion:Both the pore-pregnancy overweight and obesity of the women can increase the risk of their GDM occurrence.In the women with normal pre-pregnancy BMI or overweight/obese,the weight gain during pregnancy of the women can increase the risk of their GDM occurrence.It is suggested that the pregnant women with normal pre-pregnancy BMI should be monitored and their weight gain during pre
DAI Meilong;YU Lin;CHEN Xia;CHEN Jing(Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University,Jiangsu Province,225002)
Chinese Journal of Family Planning
Gestational dia betes mellitus
Pre-pregnancy body mass index
W eight gain during pregnancy
Occurrence risk