目的了解云南省农村育龄人群的疾病与健康状况,获得孕前人群健康风险的时间、空间及人群分布数据。方法对2010—2019年10年间云南省参加免费孕前优生健康检查的1 445 656对农村夫妇健康风险因素的三间分布进行统计分析。结果 2010—2019年间,云南省农村育龄人群中,妻子生育年龄风险逐年增高(线性检测值5 175.82,P<0.001),偏瘦率逐年降低(线性检测值503.43,P<0.001);丈夫和妻子超重率逐年上升(丈夫线性检测值6 358.09,P<0.001;妻子为4 947.09,P<0.001);生育间隔期避孕率逐年下降(线性检测值40 389.67,P<0.001)。云南省16个州市的地区分布方面,超重率、吸烟率、饮酒率、高血压患病率、乙肝表面抗原阳性率、梅毒阳性率、糖尿病风险、地中海贫血风险、环境暴露、不孕症风险差异均具有统计学意义(州市卡方检验均P<0.05)。人群分布方面,备孕胎次越高,孕前健康风险越高;经济越落后,生育年龄风险越高,乙肝梅毒阳性率越高,地中海贫血、不孕症风险越高;经济越发达,超重率越高,环境暴露风险越高,男性吸烟饮酒率越高(线性检测均P<0.05)。结论需高度重视超重、肥胖发展趋势,加强避孕节育宣传指导。乡村振兴应关注落后地区的乙肝、梅毒传播;地中海贫血综合防控资源的分配需要向滇南高风险地区倾斜;需精准防控孕前生殖健康风险,推进项目向及时、连续、完整、系统的服务转型,阻断疾病代际传递。
Objective To understand the disease and health status of rural population of childbearing age in Yunnan,and to obtain the temporal,spatial and population distribution data of health risks of pre-pregnancy population.Methods The temporal,spatial and population distribution of health risk factors of 1445656 rural couples who participated in free pre-pregnancy health examination in Yunnan Province from 2010 to 2019 was analyzed statistically.Results From 2010 to 2019,among the rural population of childbearing age in Yunnan Province,the risk of wife's childbearing age increased year by year(linear by linear association value 5175.82,P<0.001).The emaciation rate was the opposite(linear by linear association value 503.43,P<0.001).The rate of overweight in husbands and wives increased gradually(husbands linear by linear association value 6358.09,P<0.001;wives linear by linear association value 4947.09,P<0.001).The rate of contraceptive use between births declined year by year(linear by linear association value 40389.67,P<0.001).There were significant differences in the rates of overweight,smoking,drinking,prevalence of hypertension,anti-hepatitis B positive,syphilis positive and the risk of diabetes,thalassaemia,environmental exposure and infertility risk in 16 cities of Yunnan Province(all Chi-square test P<0.05).In terms of population distribution,the higher the number of pregnancy,the higher the health risk before pregnancy.The poorer the economy was,the higher of the risks of childbearing age,the positive rate of hepatitis B and syphilis,the risk of thalassemia and infertility.The richer the economy was,the higher of the rates of overweight,environmental exposure,and smoking and drinking in men(all linear by linear association P<0.05).Conclusion We need to attach great importance to the development trend of overweight,obesity,and strengthen the promotion and guidance of contraception and birth control.Rural revitalization should pay attention to the spread of hepatitis B and syphilis in backward areas.The allocation
Wang Tao;Ye Hanfeng(Yunnan Population and Family Planning Research Institute Key Laboratory of Preconception Health in Western China,Kunming 650021,China)
Chinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception
Healthy birth before pregnancy
Health risks
Temporal,spatial and population distribution
Healthy Yunnan