
2010至2012年31省2030083名男性孕前健康风险的暴露状况 被引量:11

Status assessment of preconception health risk exposure among 2 030 083 males in 31 provinces during 2010-2012
摘要 目的 评估中国21 ~49岁男性孕前健康风险暴露状况,分析2010至2012年男性孕前健康风险暴露的变化情况.方法 利用“中国育龄夫妇孕前健康风险暴露评估核心指标”,对2010年1月1日至2012年12月31日参加“国家免费孕前优生健康检查项目”的31个省、市、自治区220个试点县的21 ~49岁男性2 030 083人进行孕前风险暴露评估.评估的风险包括行为风险、传染病风险和遗传风险等3类与子代健康密切相关的风险.分析男性孕前风险状况及其变化情况.结果 2010至2012年31省、市、自治区21~49岁男性吸烟率为31.19%(622 837/1 997 051),中位吸烟量为10支/d,每日吸烟量随年龄增加而增大;饮酒率为31.81%(634 556/1 994 925),中位饮酒量随年龄的增加而增大;有出生缺陷患病史、家族近亲结婚史、遗传病家族史者分别占0.12% (2 344/1 994 324)、0.20%(4043/1 997 707)和0.94%(18 736/2000005);有乙型肝炎病史、性病史者分别占0.67%(13 317/1 988 904)和0.05%(912/1 988 904);孕前乙型肝炎表面抗原阳性检出率、梅毒螺旋体初筛异常的检出率分别为6.32%(124 274/1 965 821)和0.37%(7 169/1 947 021);3类风险中,风险暴露最高的是行为风险、最低的是遗传风险.行为风险、遗传风险、传染病风险中的性病感染风险暴露均以2012年为低,而传染病风险中的乙肝感染风险暴露以2010年为低.结论 31省、市、自治区农村21~49岁男性孕前健康状况总体良好,但存在一定行为、遗传和传染病感染风险暴露.除乙肝病毒感染风险外,2010、2011和2012年孕前健康风险暴露总体呈下降趋势. Objective To assess the exposure status of preconception health risk of Chinese males aged 21-49 years in 31 provinces and analyze the changes of their exposure status during 2010-2012.Methods The " Core Indicators of Preconception Health Risk Exposure Status in Chinese reproductive couples" were used to evaluate the preconception health risk of males aged 21-49 years who participated in National Free Preconception Health Examination Project.From January 1,2010 to December 31,2012,a total of 2 030 083 males were recruited from 220 pilot counties of 31 provinces.The risks involved three aspects closely correlated with offspring health:behavioral risk,infectious risk and genetic risk.Results The overall smoking rate of Chinese rural males aged 21-49 years was 31.19% (622 837/1 997 051).They smoked a daily average of 10 cigarettes.The median number of cigarettes smoked was 10 per day and it increased with age.The overall drinking rate was 31.81% (634 556/1 994 925).Meanwhile,median alcohol consumption increased with age.The rate of males with a history of birth defect,family inbreeding and familial genetic disease accounted for 0.12% (2 344/1 994 324),0.20% (4 043/1 997 707) and 0.94% (18 736/2 000 005) respectively.The rates of males with a history of hepatitis B and sexually transmitted diseases were 0.67% (13 317/1 988 904) and 0.05% (912/1 988 904) respectively.HBsAg positive rate was 6.32% (124 274/1 965 821).And the positive screening rate of Treponema pallidum was 0.37% (7 169/1 947 021).Among three types of risks,the highest risk was behavioral risk while the lowest risk genetic risk.Behavioral risk,genetic risk and sexually transmitted diseases in infectious risk were all lowest in 2012 while HBV infection in infectious risk was lowest in 2010.Conclusion The general status of preconception health is fair for rural males aged 21-49 years in 31 provinces.However,there are still some behavior,genetic and infectious risks.The preconception health risk
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期176-180,共5页 National Medical Journal of China
基金 全国妇幼健康研究会资助(AMCHS-2014-02) 志谢以下专家为项目前期设计作出贡献:黄尚志、马旭、张曼、李笑天、叶汉风、宋新明、符绍莲、王培玉、张霆、孙允高、郑立新、倪斌.特别鸣谢为项目组织监管作出突出贡献的同志们:耿玉田、邢杰利、孔祥骊、杨建勇、云文霞、阎雄、冉桂杰、杨柳松、黄红、洪浩、宋贤能、赵东、方群、曹麒、宋新强、谢李广、阮力艰、易露茜、刘银燕、韩萍、王锋、简丽、张波、钟春硎、吴莉华、王东升、庄长城、尚裕良、张秀萍、宋晨阳、阿不都热依木·阿不都拉、周新茹、裴乃嘉、纪玉碹、孙震宇、杨巨钧、王溪玲、衣庆岩、杨杰、余锡林、王京玲、谢国建、王海、赵申杰、李弋平、范苏荣、许辉华、余薇、林俊杰、王若平、庄俊义、时峰、徐清宁、张永贵、王平权、吴思鸡、潘旭阳、仁真、刘建国、赵生玉、靳培德、张涛、李红乐、王浩、李国正、郭兴萍、罗铭忠、郑天生、李建新、于海波、何颖、李元春、李瑛、许豪勤、谢雷光、傅克勤、张福弟、杨小毛、王磊光、薛万和、吴少斌、倪斌、唐运革、谢丹尼、李安奇、徐晓鸣、叶汉风、梅光安、吕阳、荣增红、白铁玲、信玉山
关键词 男性健康 孕前保健 卫生调查 Men's Health Preconception care Health surveys
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