
论刑事责任年龄的法理依据 被引量:1

The International and Intranational Jurisprudence on Age of Criminal Responsibility
摘要 《刑法修正案(十一)》的出台没有消除刑法专家和人大代表就是否应当降低刑事责任年龄问题的争议。主要原因在于,现有文献对刑事责任年龄的法理依据研究不足。就国际法理来说,《北京规则》《儿童权利公约》《利雅得准则》《哈瓦那规则》《第10号一般性意见(2007年)》《曼德拉规则》《刑事司法系统中儿童问题行动指南》基于儿童最大利益、司法最后手段、非必要不监禁、监禁最后手段和最短时间等原则,阐明了最低刑事责任年龄的基本法理。就国内法来说,虽然两部未成年人专门法、刑法和刑事诉讼法存在关于涉罪未成年人的特别规定,但呈现出内容新、时间短、配套规定不足等问题。在惩罚和威吓导向值得商榷,非司法措施使用不够、非监禁刑难以用于严重犯罪等背景下,单纯降低未成年人刑事责任年龄的法理依据并不充足。中国少年立法和司法最大的困境和难点不是降低刑事责任年龄本身,而是如何激活专门教育、缓刑、附条件不诉等非罪和非监禁措施。 The Age of Criminal Responsibility(ACR)was and is a theoretical spotlight over decades,while the Eleventh Amendment of Criminal Law failed to stop the dispute in regarding to whether should lower the ACR between criminal law experts and national representatives of people′s congress.There is no doubt that the scarce of international and intranational jurisprudence insights in the existing literatures play extraordinary rule on the contentious topic of ACR.To the international jurisprudence,on one hand,the Beijing Rule,Convention on the Rights of the Child,Riyadh Guidelines,Havana Rules,General Comment No.10(2007),Mandela Rules,Guidelines for Action on Children in the Criminal Justice System and so on illustrate plenty fundamental jurisprudence of the minimum ACR,based upon principles such as the best interests of children,judicial approach as last measure,incarceration unless essential,deprivation of liberty as last resort.To the intranational jurisprudence,on the other hand,a few of special rules pertinent to juvenile offender have been legislated into two special juvenile laws,criminal law,and criminal proceedings law,signifying new and urgent rules with shortage of relevant rules.The simple approach to lower the ACR may face up with challenge of jurisprudence,given the misguided orientation of punishment and deterrence,the underestimated interventions without resorting to judicial proceedings,and hardness of incarceration alternative for serious crimes.Overall,the most significant dilemma and challenge to the juvenile legislation and justice in China is how to activate the decriminalization and incarceration alternatives such as special education,probation,and conditional dismissal for juvenile offenders,rather than lowering the ACR itself.
作者 熊谋林 Xiong Moulin
出处 《青少年犯罪问题》 2023年第5期122-139,共18页 Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency
关键词 儿童最大利益 最低刑事责任年龄 未成年人犯罪 非监禁刑 专门教育 the best interests of children minimum age of criminal responsibility incarceration alternative educational intervention
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