
EAST重大科技基础设施开放共享机制 被引量:4

Research on the Open and Sharing Mechanism of EAST Major Scientific and Technological Infrastructure
摘要 重大科技基础设施是国家创新体系的重要组成部分。全超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,EAST)是面向国家能源战略需求的专用型重大科技基础设施,经过十多年的实验运行,建立了科学高效的开放共享管理机制,对于新建重大科技基础设施的开放管理具有重要的借鉴意义。本文对EAST开放共享机制进行了全面剖析,EAST开放共享具有国家需求导向、用户群体国际化及科教协同发展等特点;提供了灵活多样的开放共享模式,包括申请实验提案、远程联合实验、共享实验数据及加装仪器设备等;构建了完善的开放共享评价机制、国际评估机制及评价反馈机制。最后总结了EAST开放共享取得的显著绩效和发展现状,提出进一步拓展用户、加强开放管理的思路和建议。 Major science and technology infrastructure is an important part of the national innovation system.EAST(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak)is a special major scientific and technological infrastructure oriented to the national energy strategic demand.After ten years of experimental operation,a scientific efficient open sharing management mechanism has been established,which has important significance for the management of new major science and technology infrastructure.This paper comprehensively analyzes the open and sharing mechanism of EAST,introduces the characteristics of sharing,such as national demand orientation,internationalization,science and education collaborative development.Then,the flexible methods of open and sharing is shown,including application for experimental proposals,remote joint experiments,sharing experimental data and installation of instruments,etc.This paper describes the evaluation criteria,international evaluation mechanism and evaluation feedback mechanism.Finally,it summarizes the remarkable performance and development status of EAST open and sharing,and puts forward suggestions for further expanding users and strengthening open management.
作者 夏金瑶 尹红星 邓泉 陈洪莲 王枫 Jinyao Xia;Hongxing Yin;Quan Deng;Honglian Chen;Feng Wang(Institute of Plasma physics,Hefei Institute of Physical Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hefei 230031)
出处 《中国科学基金》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期692-698,共7页 Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China
关键词 重大科技基础设施 EAST 开放共享 机制 major science and technology infrastructure EAST open and sharing mechanism
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