

Stanley Rosen: Metaphysics in Analysis
摘要 斯坦利·罗森在《分析的限度》一书中,从直观与概念、结构与分离、本质与必然、存在与整体等传统的形而上学论题入手,对当代分析哲学作出了全面深刻的反思,揭示了分析的限度、适用范围、哲学境况和根本缺陷。哲学不能等同于概念分析,直观的认知活动是分析得以可能的必要条件。涵义与结构、理智与对象始终既分离又联系,这是前分析的不确定却可理解的基本境况。分析性的本质学说和本体论遮蔽了理智直观与前理论的统一体,将传统形而上学的本质和存在概念转化为空洞的逻辑概念,以此为基础无法建构一个关于如何理解整体世界的完整理论。通过反对分析与形而上学传统之间的分裂,罗森向当代分析哲学提出了真诚而中肯的纠正。 In his book The Limits of Analysis,Stanley Rosen presents a comprehensive reflection on contemporary analytical philosophy,starting from the traditional metaphysical theses such as intuition and concept,structure and separation,nature and necessity,being and wholeness,revealing the limits,applicable scope,philosophical context and fundamental defects of analytical philosophy.Philosophy cannot be equated with conceptual analysis,and intuitive cognitive activity is the necessary condition for the possibility of analysis.Sense and structure,intellect and object are always in a state of separation but connection,which is the understandable,yet uncertain and basic pre-analysis context.The analytical doctrine of essence and ontology obscure intellectual intuition and the unity of pre-theory,transforming the traditional metaphysical notions of nature and being into empty logical concepts.On this basis,it is impossible to construct a complete theory on how to understand the world as a whole.By arguing against the split between analysis and metaphysical traditions,Rosen offers a sincere and pertinent correction to contemporary analytical philosophy.
作者 孙亮鑫 SUN Liangxin(School of Philosophy,Zhe Jiang University,Hang Zhou 310058,Chima)
出处 《乐山师范学院学报》 2023年第9期126-135,共10页 Journal of Leshan Normal University
关键词 斯坦利·罗森 形而上学 本质 存在 整体 Stanley Rosen Metaphysics Nature Being Whole
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