
针刺联合冲击波治疗对卒中后上肢功能障碍的影响 被引量:1

Effect of acupuncture combined with shock wave therapy on post-stroke upper-limb dysfunction
摘要 目的观察针刺联合冲击波治疗对卒中后上肢功能障碍的影响。方法选取90例卒中后上肢功能障碍患者作为研究对象,用随机数字表法分成对照组、针刺组和联合组,每组30例。对照组行常规康复训练和西医治疗,针刺组在对照组治疗基础上予针刺治疗,联合组在针刺组治疗基础上予冲击波治疗。比较3组治疗前、治疗2周后及治疗4周后上肢Fugl-Meyer运动功能量表(Fugl-Meyer assessment,FMA)、运动功能状态量表(motor status scale,MSS)、上肢Wolf运动功能测试量表(Wolf motor function test,WMFT)和日常生活活动(activities of daily living,ADL)的评分变化。比较3组治疗前后上肢改良Ashworth量表(modified Ashworth scale,MAS)评分的等级。结果与对照组比较,针刺组治疗2周后和治疗4周后上肢FMA评分、MSS评分、WMFT评分和ADL评分均升高(P<0.05);与针刺组比较,联合组治疗2周后和治疗4周后上肢FMA评分、MSS评分、WMFT评分和ADL评分均升高(P<0.05)。与对照组比较,针刺组治疗后痉挛等级低于2级的患者占比升高(P<0.05);与针刺组比较,联合组治疗后痉挛等级低于2级的患者占比升高(P<0.05)。结论在常规康复训练和西医治疗基础上,针刺联合冲击波治疗能有效促进卒中患者上肢功能的恢复,改善患者上肢屈肌痉挛,提高患者日常生活活动能力。 Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture plus shock wave therapy on post-stroke upper-limb dysfunction.Method Ninety patients with post-stroke upper-limb dysfunction were recruited and divided into a control group,an acupuncture group,and a joint treatment group using the random number table method,with 30 cases in each group.The control group was given conventional rehabilitation training and Western medicine treatment,the acupuncture group was offered additional acupuncture treatment,and the joint treatment group was given extra shock wave treatment based on the intervention in the acupuncture group.Before treatment and after 2-week and 4-week treatments,the upper-limb Fugl-Meyer assessment(FMA)score,motor status scale(MSS)score,Wolf motor function test(WMFT)score,and activities of daily living(ADL)score were compared among the three groups.The modified Ashworth scale(MAS)score for upper limbs was compared before and after the intervention.Result Compared with the control group,the scores of upper-limb FMA,MSS,WMFT,and ADL were higher in the acupuncture group after 2-week and 4-week treatments(P<0.05);compared with the acupuncture group,the scores of upper-limb FMA,MSS,WMFT,and ADL were higher in the joint treatment group after 2-week and 4-week treatments(P<0.05).Compared with the control group,the ratio of patients rated lower than spasm grade 2 was higher in the acupuncture group after the intervention(P<0.05);compared with the acupuncture group,the ratio of patients rated lower than spasm grade 2 was higher in the joint treatment group after the intervention(P<0.05).Conclusion Based on conventional rehabilitation training and Western medicine treatment,acupuncture plus shock wave therapy can boost the recovery of upper-limb function,improve upper-limb flexor spasm,and enhance ADL in post-stroke patients.
作者 艾瑛煊 刘红 马欣 孙雪 程为平 AI Yingxuan;LIU Hong;MA Xin;SUN Xue;CHENG Weiping(Beidaihe Hospital,Qinhuangdao City,Hebei Province,Qinhuangdao 066100,China;Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine,Harbin 154007,China)
出处 《上海针灸杂志》 CSCD 2023年第10期1042-1047,共6页 Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
基金 秦皇岛市重点研发计划科技支撑项目(202004A068)。
关键词 针刺疗法 冲击波 中风后遗症 偏瘫 上肢功能 痉挛 Acupuncture therapy Shock wave Sequelae of stroke Hemiplegia Upper-limb function Spasm
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