
350年前的汉口及汉江河口段古地理格局 被引量:3

Paleogeographic Pattern of Hankou and Hanjiang Estuary 350 Years Ago
摘要 汉口是武汉三镇之一,华中地区的政治、金融、商贸、对外交往中心和重要的交通枢纽,自古被誉为“楚中第一繁盛处”,以“东方芝加哥”驰名于海内外.汉口并不是武汉的一个行政单元,大致为武汉市江岸区、江汉区、硚口区三个行政区所辖范围.汉口的崛起赖于地理环境优势已为学界所共识.汉口地处汉江河口区腹地,是长江和汉江相互作用区,地理环境多变、时空演化复杂,不同时期有不同的地理格局.本文以1669年的《汉阳府境全图》为主,结合其他文献,对繁盛一时的清代康熙年间的汉口古地理状况进行了复原.研究发现,当时的汉口地域存在着玉带河、襄河、沦河3条河流,且具“河湖一体”的特点;沿河发育有高大的天然堤,成为先民居住的主要地貌单元.汉江自蔡甸城头山东发生分流,先后以5条分支河道入江;此时的汉江河口三角洲顶分流点在城头山附近,河口分流区范围大致在以城头山‒谌家矶‒小军山为边界的区域内.汉口镇位于汉江与玉带河之间,即由汉江天然堤与袁公堤所构成的围垸内,市镇和公共文化建筑反映出当时的汉口镇已十分繁盛.汉口镇以外区域的聚落主要集中于河流天然堤上,这种人居地貌环境格局一直持续到20世纪初张公堤的修建.本研究首次揭示了清康熙时期的汉江河口区的古地理格局,对武汉市历史古地理演化与人地关系的认识有重要意义. Hankou is one of the three towns of Wuhan.It is the center of politics,finance,commerce and trade,foreign exchanges and an important transportation hub in central China.It has been known as“the first flourishing place in Chu”since ancient times and is known both at home and abroad as“The Chicago of the East”.Hankou is not an administrative unit of Wuhan,but an region roughly under the jurisdiction of three administrative areas including Jiangan District,Jianghan District and Qiaokou District.It has been widely recognized that the rise of Hankou depended on the advantages of geographical environment.Located in the hinterland of the Hanjiang River estuary area,Hankou is an interaction area between the Yangtze River and the Hanjiang River.The geographical environment is changeable,the space-time evolution is complex,and there are different geographical patterns in different periods.Based on the Whole Map of Hanyang Prefecture in 1669 and other documents,this paper restores the ancient geography of Hankou during the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty.It is found that there were three rivers in Hankou area at that time,namely,Yudai River,Xianghe River and Lunhe River,which had the characteristics of“integrating rivers and lakes”.Along the river,there were tall natural levees,which became the main geomorphic unit for the ancestors to live.Hanjiang River diverts from the east of Chengtou mountain in Caidian,which has 5 branch channels.During that period,the peak of the estuary distributary area of Hanjiang River the peak of the Hanjiang River estuary delta was near Chengtou Mountain,and the range of the estuary distributary area of Hanjiang River the Hanjiang River estuary delta was roughly within the boundary area of Chengtou Mountain-Shenjiaji-Xiaojun Mountain.Hankou Town was located between the Hanjiang River and the Yudai River,that is,within the enclosure dike formed by the natural levee of the Hanjiang River and the Yuangong Dike.The town and its public cultural buildings reflect the prosperity of Han
作者 李长安 张玉芬 徐望生 李国庆 Li Chang’an;Zhang Yufen;Xu Wangsheng;Li Guoqing(School of Geography and Information Engineering,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430078,China;School of Geophysics and Geomatics,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China)
出处 《地球科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期3552-3561,共10页 Earth Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(Nos.41871019,41672355) 武汉市多要素城市地质调查示范项目(No.WHDYS⁃2018⁃007).
关键词 古地理 清康熙时期 汉江河口分流区三角洲 人居环境 汉口地区 地理区域 地貌学 palaeogeography Kangxi period of Qing Dynasty estuary distributary area of Hanjiang River delta Human settlement environment Hankou area geographical regions geomorphology
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