木星特洛伊小行星(Jupiter-Trojan asteroids)是位于木星稳定拉格朗日点上与木星以相同周期围绕太阳稳定运行的小天体.木星特洛伊小行星作为行星形成过程的活化石记录了行星起源、类地行星有机物与挥发物来源及行星系统整体演化的独特信息.迄今仅通过地基望远镜或空间望远镜对它们进行过远距离光谱观测,它们仍是太阳系最神秘的天体群之一.在物质成分上,细粒硅酸盐被认为是构成特洛伊小行星的重要物质.过去认为特洛伊小行星形成在5 AU附近,新的动力学模型认为特洛伊小行星来自柯伊伯带.NASA的“露西”小行星探测任务(Lucy)将首次近距离探索这些神秘的小天体,有望为解开特洛伊小行星的身世之谜提供重要证据.本文梳理了木星特洛伊小行星的观测历史、物理性质、光谱性质、物质组成以及形成和演化,并介绍了“露西”的探测任务与目标,为未来我国深空探测计划中的小行星探测提供支撑.
Jupiter-Trojan asteroids,as fossils of planet formation,orbiting the Sun in Jupiter's stable Lagrange points,provide a unique and critical insight into planetary origins,the sources of volatiles and organics on the terrestrial planets,and the evolution of the planetary system as a whole.To present,Jupiter-Trojan asteroids have only been observed through remote spectroscopic measurements using ground-based telescopes or space telescopes,and they remain one of the most enigmatic groups of celestial bodies.In the past decade,significant advances in understanding their physical and spectral properties have been made,and there has been a revolution in thinking about the origin and evolution of Trojans.Fine-grained silicates that appear to be similar to cometary silicates have gradually replaced water ice and organics as a significant component of the surface composition of Trojan asteroids,and a color bimodality may indicate distinct compositional groups among the Trojans.Whereas Trojans had traditionally been thought to have formed near 5 AU,a new paradigm in which the Trojans formed in the proto-Kuiper Belt,were scattered inward,and then captured in the Trojan swarms as a result of resonant interactions of the giant planets has developed.There are significant differences between the currently determined physical properties of Trojans and Kuiper Belt objects.These differences may be indicative of surface modification attributable to the inward migration of the objects that became the Trojans.The upcoming Lucy mission will provide a unique opportunity to conduct close-up exploration of these enigmatic small celestial bodies,potentially yielding evidence important for unraveling the mysteries surrounding the origin and evolution of Jupiter-Trojan asteroids.This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the observational history,physical and spectral properties,material composition,and formation and evolution of Jupiter-Trojan asteroids,as well as an introduction to the goals and objectives of the Lucy mission.This stu
Huang Haitao;Wu Yunzhao(Purple Mountain Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210023,China;College of Astronomy and Space Science,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China)
Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics