

How is the Intersection of Epistemology and Ethics Possible?
摘要 知识论以知识为对象,伦理学以伦理为对象,讨论二者交汇何以可能,应从知识与伦理能否互涵入手。知识既是联系世界的特殊方式,也是以信念为动力辩明的真理,其内蕴的自在法则、公理、律令,构成知识和伦理的基础与来源。伦理(Ethics)之气禀、品性向习惯、风俗生成,敞开其普遍性体认方式、行为模式和精神结构,获得汉语“伦理”的本体性解释:“伦”之本义是辈分,本质是血缘,敞开为类聚。血缘贯通自然生育法则,辈分和类聚张扬自然之理,使“伦”与“理”会通生成人类原初认知结构的是人性。人性构成知识与伦理、科学与价值、知识论与伦理学交汇的逻辑起点;以此出发,向上行,达于形而上学,所有领域的真知将得到会通,知识论与伦理学交汇亦在此会通之境达成;向下行,开辟知识与道德的融通运用之道。前者以信念的确信、指涉的普遍性和解释的合理性为准则;后者以指涉的时空性、理解的精确性和使用的规范性为准则。统摄二者使之发生交汇效应的根本依据是合律性:首先是合社会律,但前提是合人文律,最终是合自然律。知识论与伦理学的交汇,最终是形下生活运用与形上追问真知相交汇的合律性。 Epistemology takes knowledge as research object and ethics takes morality as research object.Discussing the possibility of the intersection of epistemology and ethics should start with whether knowledge and morality can be mutually inclusive.Knowledge is not only a special way to connect with the world,but also a truth explained by faith as the driving force.Its inherent laws,axioms and regulations constitute the foundation and source of knowledge and ethics.The characters of ethics are generated by customs,and the universal recognition method,behavior model and spiritual structure developed from that obtain the ontological interpretation of“Lunli”in Chinese:The original intention of“Lun”means the position in the family hierarchy,its essence is blood relationship and shows an aggregation of homogeneous.The blood relationship reconciles the law of natural fertility,the position in the family hierarchy and aggregation show the principles of nature.Therefore,the connection between“Lun”and“Li”generates the original cognitive structure of human nature.The human nature constitutes the logical starting point for the intersection of knowledge and ethics,science and values,and epistemology and ethics.Starting from this,it moves upward and reaches metaphysics,where all realms of true knowledge will be connected,and the intersection of epistemology and ethics will also be achieved in this connection.And it movesdownwards,can open up a path for the integration and application of knowledge and morality.The former is based on the conviction of belief,the universality of reference,and the rationality of interpretation.The latter takes spatiotemporal nature of reference,the accuracy of understanding and the normalization of use as criterion.The fundamental basis for controlling the convergence effect of the two is the legality:firstly,it is in accordance withthe social law,but the premise is in accordance withthe law of humanity,and ultimately in accordance with the natural law.The integration of epistemology and
作者 唐代兴 TANG Daixing(Institute of Ethics,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610066)
出处 《长白学刊》 北大核心 2023年第5期42-52,共11页 Changbai Journal
关键词 知识论 伦理学 交汇 原初价值选择 合律性 Epistemology Ethics Intersection Choice of Original Value Legality
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