
兽医临床上常见黄牛异常发情的防治措施 被引量:2

Prevention and Treatment Measures for Common Yellow Cattle Abnormal Estrus in Veterinary Clinic
摘要 随着农业机械化不断地推广,二牛抬杠式的原始农业耕作方式逐渐退出了农业生产。取而代之的农业机械化耕作,以前用来耕地的黄牛用途逐渐变成了产犊为主,农田里不见了黄牛耕作的身影,山坡不见了放牛人。取而代之的是舍饲圈养,肉牛以集约化育肥为主的养殖方式。通过对兽医临床遇到的病例统计发现,母牛的异常发情病例逐渐增多,高达30%~40%。作者根据实际兽医临床工作发现一个规律,一到冬季产犊季,母牛难产增多;母牛产犊后农户就会天天用玉米糊糊饲喂,瘤胃积食也会增多,冬季青贮饲草料价格高,资源匮乏,担心母牛产犊后掉膘,乳汁分泌不足,在这个过程中,很多母牛就会出现虚胖,犊牛腹泻,母牛伤食泻瘤胃酸中毒,最主要的是产犊后的母牛长期大量精料饲喂导致母牛体质偏胖,在中兽医诊断上就属于一种寒湿瘀滞的体质,卵泡不发育或者是发育不良。再加上畜主长期不正确的使用各种兽药,造成滥用药,致使动物机体损伤养殖业是一个需要倾注大量心血的行业,天道酬勤,养殖场户的辛勤付出才能换来牛羊的牧草丰富,茁壮生长,动物防疫工作者的辛勤付出才能换来动物群体的健康稳定,畜牧兽医工作者与农户一起服务于动物从配种到出栏。 With the continuous promotion of agricultural mechanization,the original agricultural farming method of Erniu carrying the lever has gradually withdrawn from agricultural production.This was replaced by mechanized farming in agricul-ture.The use of cattle used to cultivate land has gradually become mainly for calving.There are no yellow cattle farming in the farmland,and the cattle herders are gone on the hillside.Instead,they are reared in captivity.Beef cattle are mainly raised by intensive fattening.Through the statistics of cases encountered in veterinary clinics,it is found that the cases of abnormal es-trus in cows are gradually increasing,as high as 30%to 40%.According to the actual veterinary clinical work,the author found a rule that when the winter calving season comes,the number of cows with dystocia increases.After the cows calving,the farmers will feed them with corn paste every day,and the rumen accumulation will also increase.The price of silage in win-ter is high,and resources are scarce.They are worried that the cows will lose weight after calving and the milk secretion will be insufficient.During this process,many cows will suffer from puffiness,calf diarrhea,and rumen acidosis in cows.The most important thing is that the cows after calving are fed a large amount of concentrate for a long time,which leads to the body fat of the cows.In the diagnosis of traditional Chinese veterinary medicine,this belongs to a constitution of stagnation of cold and dampness,and the follicles are underdeveloped or stunted.Coupled with the long-term incorrect use of various veterinary drugs by animal owners,it leads to drug abuse and damage to animal bodies.The breeding industry is an industry that requires a lot of hard work.Only through the hard work of the farmers can the pastures of cattle and sheep be rich and thrive.The hard work of animal epidemic prevention workers can bring about the health and stability of animal populations.Animal husbandry and veterinary workers work with farmers to serve animals from b
作者 何宏刚 HE Honggang(Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station of Ankou Town,Huating Gansu 744100,China)
出处 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2023年第5期100-103,共4页 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 母牛 黄牛 产犊 cow yellowcattle calving
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