
芬兰大学教师教育协同培养模式下的教育实习探析——以赫尔辛基大学小教专业为例 被引量:1

Analysis on teaching practice of Finnish universities under the cooperative cultivation mode:a case of the class teacher education program of the University of Helsinki
摘要 在教师教育协同培养模式的影响下,芬兰大学的教育实习由大学、各级政府以及中小学校共同参与并协作开展。以赫尔辛基大学小学教育专业为例,协同培养模式下教育实习的实践路径为:明确主体职能以深化实质性合作,联合创建实习基地以确保优良实习条件,整合指导教师团队并开展混合式培训,评价兼顾多元参与并侧重能力提升等。基于此,分析得出芬兰经验在完善协同培养机制、共建优质实习基地、注重指导教师遴选及培训合作等方面对我国大学的小教专业教育实习改革具有一定启示。 Under the influence of the cooperative cultivation mode of teacher education,Finnish universities,government at different levels and primary and secondary schools are involved in carrying out teaching practice jointly.Taking class teacher education program of the University of Helsinki as an example,the main practice paths of teaching practice under the cooperative cultivation mode can be concluded as follows:clarifying the functions of the tripartite subjects to deepen their substantive cooperation,establishing teaching practice base jointly to ensure the internship conditions,combining quality instructing teachers as well as organizing blended training for them,and engaging multiple subjects in evaluations with the emphasis on professional skill development.Based on the above analysis,it is concluded that the Finnish experience has certain implications for the reform of teaching practice of class teacher education program in our universities in terms of improving cooperative cultivation mode,building quality teaching practice base jointly as well as focusing on the selecting and training collaboration of instructing teachers.
作者 俞婷婕 熊琳 YU Tingjie;XIONG Lin(College of Education,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China)
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第4期86-95,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金“十三五”规划教育学一般课题“提升国家竞争力框架下中国、俄罗斯教育现代化战略比较研究”(BFA190066)。
关键词 教师教育协同培养模式 教育实习 小学教育专业 赫尔辛基大学 cooperative cultivation mode of teacher education teaching practice class teacher education program the University of Helsinki
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