

On the Morpho-syntax of“V(le/yi)V”in Colloquial Mandarin from a Diachronic-Synchronic Perspective
摘要 本文结合历时演变与共时事实,探讨现代汉语口语里“V(了/一)V”的形态句法。我们接受刘世儒(1965)及张赪(2000)的观点,认为魏晋南北朝时期出现的“动词+数词+借用动量词”是现代汉语“V(一)V”的来源格式。宋金时期,上述格式里的借用动量词发展为与谓语动词同形的同源动量词,由此产生了“V一V”这一表层形式。近代有些“V一V”不表示动作的一次发生,而是短时延续或少次发生,这些“V一V”已经与现代汉语的“V一V”在表义上一致了,但二者在V的音节数量、“一V”与动词受事宾语的相对语序等形态句法表现上存在显著差异。基于历时与共时两方面的事实,我们提出了一个句法结构来刻画现代汉语“V(一)V”的来源格式及其自身所参与的句子的构造。我们的句法方案认为中古和近代的“动词+数词+借用动量词”格式是一个表达动作创生语义的动宾结构。属于该动宾结构的“V一V”在近代发生“轻谓提升”(Larson 1989),开始词汇化。到了现代,词汇化完成,“V一V”成为了词汇形式。利用上述方案,我们解释了中古、近代与现代相关格式里动词的受事宾语的语序,以及现代汉语的“了”与VV共现时的位置、“V(了/一)V”中V的音节限制等问题。我们还对文献中围绕现代汉语“V(了/一)V”出现的相关争议发表了自己的看法。 This paper investigates the morpho-syntax of the“V(le/yi)V”form in colloquial Mandarin from a diachronic-synchronic perspective.Following Liu(1965)and Zhang(2000),it is pointed out that the origin of the form is the“Verb+Numeral+Verbal Classifier”construction that appeared in early medieval Chinese.In the Song Dynasty(960 A.D.-1279 A.D.),cognate verbal classifiers which are morphologically identical with the verb appeared in the origin construction,giving rise to the“V yi V”form.During this period,some instances of the“V yi V”form are used to describe a short duration of the eventuality denoted by the verb or the bringing about of several but not exactly one action,which is semantically equivalent to the“V yi V”form in contemporary Mandarin.But morpho-syntactically,the“V yi V”form in early Mandarin is significantly different from that in contemporary Mandarin in terms of the number of syllables of V and the position of the theme with respect to“yi V”.Based on both diachronic and synchronic facts,we propose that“Verb+Numeral+Verbal Classifier”in medieval Chinese and early Mandarin is a verb-complement construction with the classifier phrase formed by the numeral and the verbal classifier being the complement of the verb,expressing the semantics of creation of actions.As a specific instance of“Verb+Numeral+Verbal Classifier”,the“V yi V”form of early Man darin should be analyzed as a verb-complement construction.With its special form and meaning,“V yi V”undergoes light predicate raising(Larson 1989)in early Mandarin,causing the form to lexicalize.The lexicalization is completed in contemporary Mandarin,making“V yi V”a lexical item.With the proposal,we explain the morpho-syntactic differe nces between the contemporary form and its predecessors,together with the peculiarities of the contemporary form such as the position of the perfective marker le and the constraint on the number of syllables of V in the form.We also evaluate different morpho-syntactic propo sals and re
作者 邓盾 綦晋 DENG Dun;QI Jin(Department of Chinese Languages and Literature,Tsinghua University)
出处 《当代语言学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期415-433,共19页 Contemporary Linguistics
基金 2022年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“汉语词法特点的探究与词法理论的建构(22JJD740001)”的资助。
关键词 V(了/一)V 同源动量词 轻谓提升 词汇化 V(le/yi)V cognate verbal classifier light predicate raising lexicalization
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